One, two and three

As sure as the wind blows,

Here's how life goes,

With pure water, who's atoms are beautiful,

With bright light, we have sight,

With exercise of body and mind strength is irrefutable,

With goodness from the earth we gain might!

Sure, with a tipple or two and coffee or three, but do what you need more abundantly!

Joke, laugh and be happy, by all means. With compassion, full of joy and beans!

High five your friends with integrity and cheer, that way that devil of fear will disappear!

Let's make it even more clear,

Blessed are those who's heart is in the right place, they neither runaway nore chase, but grounded and strong is their base! So follow with your heart that goodness of your desire, as the world can be dangerous fire, so quench it with love and your hearts choir!

Bring on the New Year, with song, wisdom and clarity, 

Use your talent and gifts,

And see that life shifts,

The scales balance in your favour in that mysterious way,

And everyday day is a good day,

As long as from the Master we learn,

And let your passions burn,

I now must end this poem on a higher ground,

And something even more profound,

For you and for me!

I'll say it in one, two and three,

Nothing Is Impossible! 

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