All in Good time

One day and that day will come, when all those around you, who doubted you, who hated you, who abused you,

Will see the truth,

And when you look them in the eye they will know,

The eyes never lie.

Kick me around,

Slap me down,

Beat me to the ground,

You will never destroy me,

I'm not just a survivor,

I'm a warrior of life,

A peace seeker,

A bone collector,

I collect the bones of those souls that have lost the will to be kind!

Kindness is king,

And when you're kind you sing!

As does your heart,

And it shows in your face,

It's a thing called grace,

You're angel protects you,

As do your friends, 

the master in your life guides you through the dark times,

He never bends,

Until the victory bell chimes,

He protects you and helps you,

Never neglects you,

Or rejects you!

Goodness conquers all in time,

You will see,

Mark my rhyme,

It will all happen in time!

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