T'was the night before Christmas

T'was the night before Christmas,

There was much to fear,

But behold the Light to be born to make everything clear,

Everything with breath will bowe,

Everyone will sing,

Everything shall go forth,

Everyone with their gifts to bring.

If your heart beats good, you will shine, a rarity sublime,

If you see the Truth, you are living proof,

That no matter how hard you are hit by life, you will rise,

No matter how dark the world becomes,

and though purity and sincerity is despised, 

The unknown man will show the Light,

The right way to be,

Until life is crystal clear like clarity!

Though weak in bed and in need of aid,

With hope and strength,

You will never fade,

This is a call for Light,

The Light will shine on you dear brother,

It doesn't smother, like the corrupt controlling world,

But gathers with two and three for eternity,

In the middle of mental strife,

In the battle for physical health,

In the centre of spiritual warfare,

The Light tends to the vulnerable to soften and warm the face,

Mellowing the brow and voice,

Like a child your innocence will be in place.

In this world of manipulation,

The synchronization of simplicity will reign,

Until apocalyptic times end,

The insane will prove to be right,

Those with inner sight and unrelenting fight!


T'was the night before Christmas,

There's no more to fear,

As the hope of the world will bring good cheer,

The mighty shall fall,

The meek shall forgive,

Together brother forever we will live!

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