The Open Door

The locked room is cold and dark,

A closed soul and a closed heart,

Full of trouble and filled with pain,

A nightmare place for evil,

Out to hurt for selfish gain.

No love, no joy, just emptiness and hurt,

Twisted bitterness and sadness frequent this doom,

But, it can blossom, it can bloom,

There is always hope for the locked room!

The Open Door welcomes you in,

Surprises you with such loving kindness you cannot but react with tears of gratitude.

A smile and complete cherished warmth that never leaves, never lets go, destroys all ill feeling and darkness, cleansing the soul, cleansing the heart and from it you'll never be apart. 

Your life will change,

the beauty of the prevailing truth will hold you, it's embrace so gentle, so pure, you will become fresh and new, and you'll feel the power of the eternal cure!

You'll glow a radiant light and forever feel the melodic steps of beautiful music are in sight!

Enter through the blessed open door, and forever feel the humble power of the cure!

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