The Core

My core beliefs have now changed!

I'm ever ready and rearranged,

I'm lightening bolt charged durable with ability,

I'm no set menu,

My emotions have agility!

My worth is King,

I'm not good I'm great,

I don't like myself?

That's me back in the day,

I love who I am,

Because I can see it and say,

I'm the man,

Who made me,

Who made me see!

With God as my Fortress and Shield,

I will only build,

Build my soul from my core to my character,

I think back to before the mental crack,

Before immobilisation set in,

Before rigidity was the thing,

Untainted and untarnished,

Now I'm chiseled and varnished!

I step back and don't react,

I'm contained, measured, aware and I care,

I understand how people are, 

That boy with the talent has been realised,

And I can and will go far!

I'm not hear to people please,

Disagreement is fine,

My truth is my truth,

I'm like a fine red wine,

Mature and able to cope,

I'm not climbing the rope,

I'm Captain of the ship,

I'm at the top and see full scope!

This is a reminder to me and you,

That core beliefs don't have to stick like glue,

Don't have to govern who we are,

Be your own therapy,

Let your mentality be the remedy,

That comfort blanket can be obliterated,

And the past terminated,

It's over,

Start afresh now!

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