Life's too short

Life's too short to hold back,

It's too short to hold a grudge,

To be angry at everyone and everything,

We never know when it's time to say goodbye, 

When it's time to let go and cry and cry,

So, enjoy your life,

Get on with people, 

Separating the wheat from the chaff of course, but frequent happy thoughts and happy memories, 

Taking away hate and blame, and replace it with good feelings and understanding.

It's never to late to change for the better and smile a true smile, 

Whether it's been two days or a while, a turnaround is possible. 

Have bright eyes and  

Smile on your face and in your heart,

Open up and let your feelings grow and you never know, you might make someone's day or your own. 

Don't be on your own,

Connect, converse and speak your thoughts,

Life's too short,

It's now or never,

It's hit home at last,

The possibilities are endless in life,

Be in the present, not in the past,

Be good and be brave,

Your dreams are vital, your dreams are vast. 

Fight or lose

Accept things how they are, accept yourself and let go of fear,

Feel the pain, feel the struggle and feel that God is near,

Don't deceive,

Be genuine, be yourself and love the cross you bear.

Care more and bless more, and if you have enough then share,

Stop the blaming and stop accusing, lend a hand and stop refusing,

Fore life is spiritual warfare!

If you're not fighting, you are losing!

The ecstasy of love

Fight or flight no more,

Into your arms I aim,

A rhapsody of the masculine gun.

The feminine is inviting and willing, 

In passion of two becoming one.

The two join in bodily entwinement,

Explosive touching in unique unity,

Thoughts absorbed into the flesh,

To enmesh the physicality 

of love. 

Hope in the Truth

Propaganda, controversy and slander,

When all you need is prayer to the Holy Father,

Nothing grand, nothing monetary, nothing complicated,

Just a prayer of simplicity, a prayer from above, that cuts down demons like a blade, sharp and serrated, killing deceit with love. 

A prayer from the heart,

A prayer of mercy,

Not continued transgression, 

But alter and transform addiction from saturation and inhibriation to humility and moderation.

Live life simply and don't take the world to heart,

As it's a corruptible force,

A force of evil,

Live only for the Truth of God,

Remove the walls and boundaries of fog, that cloud your judgement and create a misty mind,

See things clearly and as they are, and be kind.

Don't create in yourself a world of your own making, a world of new theories and ego, 

Look up to the heavens from where your help comes from,

Fore this world is atomic and nuclear, a place of fear and lies,

And miracles will take you to a place where love is the bomb,

Where Angels sleep and nobody cries.

Hope in the truth,

That's all we have,

And be glad.

Live for now,

Appreciate the good,

And all in time will be understood.

The Expressionist

When fear finally dissipates from the furnace inside,

The strangulation of expression ends and my muteness is gone,

My voice comes back to me

and calmness of mind returns,

Then self esteem and fluidity of thought create improvisation.

When I gather both paint and brush and think of an idea, or maybe not,

Music is played signalling a return to peace, 

I begin with the first brush stroke and satisfaction,

In the flow of spirit and energy I'm guided by outer power,

I look back and I'm amazed at what I did.

When I paint, I paint with fire,

I paint with gusto and passion,

Energy and pace, 

What you see, is what's inside me,

I let it flow without judgement,

I let it flow.

I practice over and over,

Proliferation brings with it wisdom,

I practice over and over,

The exhilaration never ends.

When I cry out,

When I hope for inspiration,

I know the listener is present,

I know there'll be a kind response and an act in perfect discernment, 

Fore my passion is a good one and the picture is true,

Whether I use Prussian blue with lemon yellow and white, or scarlet with effervescent gold, 

I know if I'm happy and energised, I've done a good job.

When I sit back and absorb the moment,

I realise again and again that life is very simple,

We complicate things,

But, when we follow our heart and feel the moment, we live life,

Our picture, our voice, it speaks a thousand words,

The furnace still burns bright,

But the fear has gone!

Let me be

I love what I do,

I'm good at it too,

It's different from you and you, and you!

I'm not going to stop just to please you!

If you want me to change,

If you tell me what to do,

I'm going to love my love more,

And do my love better.

I'll never stop, I'll never change,

It's you who's wrong, it's you who needs help,

You can go rearrange, your own life,

Don't tell me to alter my life,

I like who I am!

I'm good!

I'm great!

I'm worthy!

I'm happy with who I am!

I delight in being me!

If you love someone you set them free!

Don't take away their joy,

Don't silence their voice,

Let them be who they are,

Don't embarrass and belittle their ability,

Don't shove them out the way,

Don't ignore and neglect,

Show some appreciation!

Show some respect!

I'm dedicated to what I do,

I'm determined and I won't stop,

It's my passion,

It's my place,

It's my safety,

It's my comfort,

Let me be, let me have this time to 

enjoy and feel happy and free,

Let me be!

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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