Life's too short

Life's too short to hold back,

It's too short to hold a grudge,

To be angry at everyone and everything,

We never know when it's time to say goodbye, 

When it's time to let go and cry and cry,

So, enjoy your life,

Get on with people, 

Separating the wheat from the chaff of course, but frequent happy thoughts and happy memories, 

Taking away hate and blame, and replace it with good feelings and understanding.

It's never to late to change for the better and smile a true smile, 

Whether it's been two days or a while, a turnaround is possible. 

Have bright eyes and  

Smile on your face and in your heart,

Open up and let your feelings grow and you never know, you might make someone's day or your own. 

Don't be on your own,

Connect, converse and speak your thoughts,

Life's too short,

It's now or never,

It's hit home at last,

The possibilities are endless in life,

Be in the present, not in the past,

Be good and be brave,

Your dreams are vital, your dreams are vast. 

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