Hope in the Truth

Propaganda, controversy and slander,

When all you need is prayer to the Holy Father,

Nothing grand, nothing monetary, nothing complicated,

Just a prayer of simplicity, a prayer from above, that cuts down demons like a blade, sharp and serrated, killing deceit with love. 

A prayer from the heart,

A prayer of mercy,

Not continued transgression, 

But alter and transform addiction from saturation and inhibriation to humility and moderation.

Live life simply and don't take the world to heart,

As it's a corruptible force,

A force of evil,

Live only for the Truth of God,

Remove the walls and boundaries of fog, that cloud your judgement and create a misty mind,

See things clearly and as they are, and be kind.

Don't create in yourself a world of your own making, a world of new theories and ego, 

Look up to the heavens from where your help comes from,

Fore this world is atomic and nuclear, a place of fear and lies,

And miracles will take you to a place where love is the bomb,

Where Angels sleep and nobody cries.

Hope in the truth,

That's all we have,

And be glad.

Live for now,

Appreciate the good,

And all in time will be understood.

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