He is with us

And when the sun shone down,

And birds celebrated the Light,

And meadow flowers blew this way and that in the gust,

And even the Crickets praised the day with their sounds,

And the spiders webs glowed in glory,

And the lakes, the rivers and streams anticipated the coming of the day with purity and pace of movement of molecules, bubbling and flowing along in excitement,

And as dew filled the air, an azure, crimson, mauve and emerald mixed and rose from one expanse to another holding in its scope the entirety of nature below it, within it and above it, 

And at its end there was a treasure,

And this was the new day,

And the love that only a compassionate man feels absorbed this wondrous scene as though he was close to his Creator within creation, 

And he fell to his knees fore the power descending upon him was too great and too good, 

And he wept out of joy and felt awe and grace, as he knew that God was with him. 

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