The touch of love

When a man cannot die,

He sees life in a different way,

He sees life through spirit and not through flesh,

Through intellect not loin,

He sees it with faith and with hope.

When a man cannot die,

His strength is insurmountable,

His determination is unequalled,

His will power is unparalleled,

Only with such force can a man penetrate through evil ways, and disintergrate evil into dust. 

When a man cannot die,

His shield is humility &

His weapon is patience,

His guile is honesty &

His power is trust.

These are the virtues of life,

These are the ways to the focussed path of light,

The ending of life to neverending Heaven of peace. 

Death doesn't touch you,

Death has no power,

Death has no seal,

The creator of deaths bullets bounce of your shield,

And humility strikes him back like a sledgehammer to the skull.

Don't worry about the threat of evil,

When you see the horizon and it's bright and glowing, and the glows flows straight to your heart,

You've made it,

You've done a life's work,

Through the seeing in of suffering,

With the help of angels and the Almighty himself.

Stand up I say,

Stand up, 

Stand up on your feet and stand up for yourself,

Never give in to fear and never give up in your life,

Love is the power that makes you stand,

Love opens your heart to Heavenly glory and ease of pain.

I've walked through every street, through every sideroad and down every path,

Only the straight and the narrow will get you where you want to be,

At point of compassion,

At the crux of creation &

The culmination of life as it is,

Only the straight and narrow path of love,

Of kindness 

Of the gentle touch and the hand of care,

Reach out for this h

and always, reach out and feel the touch of love.

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