Where evil ceases

All life can be blown away,

Or blitzed into a billion pieces,

But, love is stronger than anything dark,

Hence a point where evil ceases.

First in the heart,

This takes one apart,

Away from hurt, away from sin,

It's starts with thinking and begins within,

Will I be good or will I be bad?

Will I feel joy and be glad?

Biologically evil? or not?

It doesn't matter!

Fore the decision to pray and not go astray, is in your hands.

Nothing is impossible in prayer!

The change of heart is miraculous,

To merely decide to be kind, with help from above,

Your heart melting from a stone to a dove, 

A sanctuary for peace and calm,

An altar to God himself.

Trials come and go,

But, faith is grounded, 

You take the pounding of life, time after time,

But, step back on the straight path and realign,

Back on the fine blade that is life,

Balancing this way and that,

When one reaches that sacred cutting point, 

Separating one from death to life,

That's when evil ceases

and all pieces come together,

Paradise is here and peace exists forever!

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