The Good Cause

Sharp as a blade, 

My words can break bones, 

Soft as a kitten,

But, twice shy once bitten,

The irrevocability of your actions,

Leads to God and man entwined,

And you will feel the bitter pain of the spiritually blind. 

Strength from within and sight from above,

The language of genius philosophy and the spoken words of love,

A cup of coffee or three and adrenaline driving through rippling muscles,

The actions of Zeus, a lightening bolt to your psyche, 

The mythical eliment is hear to confuse, but the reality of life is to grind and bruise,

To fight and hussle, when all give up, 

When they know the truth, they shut the fuck up, 

Or they pump up the evil and pretend it's you, 

But, morality and God work for the good few, 

And no matter what they say, 

You are defended by what's right, 

As evil never wins any ANY fight!

Evil is weak in every form, 

Cruelty, deception and charm, only do harm, 

It's like pride in Chess, 

If you care about winning too much, 

You will lose every time, 

Inside the game matters, 

Whereas if the game doesn't matter, but you play with love, 

You play with freedom and might from above, 

Win, lose or draw it doesn't matter,

But, life is not a game to play with with the mind of others, destroying their will power and their sanity, like a check mated King,

I have feelings, I'm not a toy or a thing. 

The genius of life is goodness.

This is the key,

If you see this in front of you your entire life,

You will see a man born not in great power, but in humility, 

The contradiction in life is greatness is small and meek, and has fragility, but is here to shuffle the pack, 

It is peaceful but with powerful words put in action, 

Walk the walk, not with a poker face, or a hidden hand, 

But, always have your hand revealed, 

As the truth is the strongest form of defence, 

It goes straight to your heart, 

Here you'll find what you truly need, 

Without lies, without hiding, without a mask, the task in life is to be who you are meant to be, 

Be yourself and be good, 

Pull up your pants and take off your hood, 

Be strong, don't be wrong, 

Fight and wage war for the good cause, 

And never EVER pause! 

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