
People think their truth is the truth... Unfortunately for those people, they believe in their own opinion, that's what believing in your own truth is.

It's the comfort that draws them to themself. 

To believe in the truth you have to force yourself out of your own opinion, out of the comfort zone and agree with the Truths opinion.. As only The Truth knows what that is. 

It might hurt to agree, it may break your ego, your arrogance, which always hurts, but with this comes humility, that what you think isn't the be all and end all. There is something greater than you. With this comes the ultimate freedom and power. 

Ask yourself this... Are inanimate objects humble? Are things that do not live humble?

Is one person greater than another person?

Should I question the the real Truth?

Should I believe what an arrogant lier tells me?

Also, the truth has no arrogance,

It is beautiful and kind... It is love.

It defends itself... And is most rejected and hated of all, most criticised and scrutinised, but will never fade or go away, it will always be there, it forgives and never destroys, never takes revenge. 

The truth is knowing the beginning, but also the end.

The truth itself knows everything.

If you don't know the truth, then by all means question... But if you do know, then accept it with all your heart.

Don't be a mobile phone 📱

I've noticed this happens alot, 

They'll message and text you, 

But they won't meet eye to eye, and I ask why, bloody hell, why? 

Please don't be a void avoiding human contact, 

Touch the heart with true connection,

Don't be a screen or a button, 

See face to face over coffee or tea, 

Talk, touch and express your stress, 

Talk life, share ideas, even have a pint or three! 

Don't be a mobile phone, 

Covid is no longer a problem, 

Stuff the new norm, 

Be a person, it's much better that way, 

Don't hide, meet people and confide, 

Open your heart in the presence of a friend, 

Problems solved and mind on the mend!

Its a problem in this modern era of technology, 

Confidence goes when you can hide behind a screen, 

An easy get out clause, 

But, just for a second take a heartfelt pause... 

Remember life, remember friendship, remember the spirit of community, 

Remember happy times and true love, 

Things above the electronic gadgetry of instantaneousness... 

Pause and take hold, 

Hug each other, grab hands and look at each other in the eye, 

People aren't that scary or bad, 

And when you take that step forward you'll think wow I'm glad! 

The Hand on my shoulder

The wreckage is at your feet, 

It's outside and in the street, 

It doesn't matter what you think or feel, 

It's imagined and it isn't real. 

The wreckage is in sight and in mind, 

It's on an unusual level of a rare kind, 

What you see is not what you get,  

Generate a calm mind then this you will forget. 

The wind blows strong, 

The tree still stands, 

I'm not in control, 

It's not in my hands, 

If it falls it falls, 

Only time will tell, 

Do not fear the future or worry about the past, 

Be still at all times as the Truth itself is vast. 

A hurricane is like the devil himself, 

Both attempt to move us, break us and devastate us,

A catastrophic mentality brings about panic and alarm, 

But with peace and prayer comes an impenetrable calm. 

Your friend lays his hand on your shoulder, 

A simple gesture, a simple act, 

But the impact is life changing and mind rearranging, 

Such kindness and such beauty, 

It makes you wonder, 

You are loved, 

You are treasured, 

Your are cherished,

You are special for a special reason, 

Though ongoing is the change of the wind and the changing of season, 

He never changes his mind, 

He is always loving, 

He is always kind, 

His heart remains the same day in day out, 

Sunrise to Sunset,

And this we must never forget. 

On that day that you feel crippled and that day may return, 

You're ready to rise again, 

As faith is stronger than fear, 

And as the Sun rises you mind is made clear, 

That forces of nature are only skin deep, 

And when I feel weak and weep, 

I am heard and helped every time,

As the hand on my shoulder made the Moon and the Sun shine, the Earth we live on and the Star's align. 

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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