Don't be a mobile phone 📱

I've noticed this happens alot, 

They'll message and text you, 

But they won't meet eye to eye, and I ask why, bloody hell, why? 

Please don't be a void avoiding human contact, 

Touch the heart with true connection,

Don't be a screen or a button, 

See face to face over coffee or tea, 

Talk, touch and express your stress, 

Talk life, share ideas, even have a pint or three! 

Don't be a mobile phone, 

Covid is no longer a problem, 

Stuff the new norm, 

Be a person, it's much better that way, 

Don't hide, meet people and confide, 

Open your heart in the presence of a friend, 

Problems solved and mind on the mend!

Its a problem in this modern era of technology, 

Confidence goes when you can hide behind a screen, 

An easy get out clause, 

But, just for a second take a heartfelt pause... 

Remember life, remember friendship, remember the spirit of community, 

Remember happy times and true love, 

Things above the electronic gadgetry of instantaneousness... 

Pause and take hold, 

Hug each other, grab hands and look at each other in the eye, 

People aren't that scary or bad, 

And when you take that step forward you'll think wow I'm glad! 

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