They send me out

They send me out to the world today, this backward upside down world, where right is wrong and wrong is right, where men are women and women are men, where evil is good and good is evil, where hatred is the norm and rich is best, where money talks and a kind heart is nothing, but I say I am as I was born and I have the courage and strength to remain the same, I listen and remember only words of encouragement, only words of truth, I listen only to what is truly right, and I will not be told what to think, some things must remain as they ought to be, and a kind heart must be elevated, inner strength must be seen as higher than any other and the spirit inside unchanging and everlasting must be respected, bring back this respect and understanding and I will show you a new world, not an new world order but a peaceful world, as it was in the beginning. 

They send me out to the streets,

I choose not to take a gun or a knife, 

I choose not to join a gang or follow the crowd, 

I choose not to be easily influenced, 

I choose to have my own mind and my own will power, 

I choose not to take drugs and get off my face and out of my head, 

I choose not live there, but to seek help, to avoid the negative and steer myself onto a clearer path, I listen only to good advice, I listen to my conscience, I listen to my faith and know there is always another way. 

They send me out to space,

For a star wars race, to be first on planet Mars or to go to the Moon, 

I refuse to go, as I have my feet firmly on the ground, I'll remain homeward bound, I'll remain fixed on the Earth as it needs my help, 

I do not want to waste my time fulfilling a wasted journey, I admire the universe from afar, It's beauty and it's mystery, I admire the Earth, the waves of thousands of years of change and history. 

They send me out to the wilderness,

I would either leave immediately or be a groundbreaking pioneer, thinking not only outside the box, but unlike anyone before or after, to help people like never before, to save lives, to invent life changing plans, to demolish the worthless causes and to build stable  conditions which continuously adapt, I would not accept a shoddy status quo, they would say there goes that eccentric man, with funny ideas, until one day genius would hit them back in the face. 

They send me out to war,

I'd have the strength to say no, 

They'd force me, but I wouldn't go, 

I do not want to hurt, maim or kill, 

It's not my war, it's not my fight, 

I do not think it's a thrill or that it's right, I'd pray for peace, I'd pray for calm and let the God of Heaven bless the world, hatred brings war and war brings hatred not peace, War instills the wish for revenge and resentment and death and suffering, it's a waste of time that our world likes to buy weapons of war, I say be free and pray happily and sing and dance, we have enough war in our minds, let's celebrate peace, not war, let's celebrate friendship and let's celebrate true love. 

Revenge destroys everyone

Revenge destroys everyone in every way. In order to be creative light must overcome the spirit inside, so that hatred is extinguished and love will flow. Love flows out so that creation can occur.

This can all be seen in creation itself, love expands and attracts the love in others. This is why some cannot explain why though they are cold and dark inside they need the love inside others, others who are truly loving and like to nourish their own, and the souls of others.

People may pretend, but this is why jealousy, anger, hatred, revenge and narcissism and ultimately destruction occur, because of lack of awareness of the self and a lack of empathy. True creation doesn't come out of dark places, unknown places, it doesn't emerge from nothing, from non existence, it comes out of light and true love.

This can be interpreted in many ways, in shallow ways, in abstract way, but the real way, the true way, is through he who was present at the beginning, the light, and the light gave light to the world, and gave life, that we may too have the light, and we too may spread the light so that others shine. In the end there too is the light, this light is everlasting.

So, those whose beliefs stem from revenge have no light, but only falsehood and fakery, and deception.

Beware of those who fear the light. The moon does not overcome darkness, it colludes with the darkness. But the true light overcomes all darkness, all evil and all deception.

Light is good, because light is love. And nothing can conquer true love.

Be victorious in defeat

Be victorious in defeat, not arrogant in winning. Be humble and not fearful, there is always gain in learning. 

Be a Pride of lions, fierce with strength, but don't be proud. 

Be a Bee, not a fly, be attracted to light, not things dark and dead. 

Be a Donkey, hard at work, with a Cross on your back. Head held low and wise. 

Be a source of hope in someone's life,

Be a Guardian Angel, a protector and helper,

Be a warrior and fight for their corner.

Even when frail, be strong inside,

Even when hurt, learn and gain, 

Even when down, never be beat,

Even when insane, overcome and become what you want to be.

This is life, 

Be victorious in defeat and rise again!

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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