
The first test comes as a child,

The teasing and taunting,

The Bullying and abuse,

The difference or ailment that separates you from the others,

It comes as preparation for later life. 

Forget money and forget fame when tortured by life, 

health is true richness and joy. 

You may have everything, but without serenity of mind and wholesomness of body you have nothing. 

Be glad now for what you have, not resentful for what you don't, 

Do what you can with your gifts, fore you are blessed. 

Strive, but do not wish for more, 

Be driven, but be grateful for every moment. 

Appearances mean nothing when at the height of trauma, 

You must hope that what lies inside will pull you through and you get through stronger. 

It might not make sense, 

But those tests of character are put in your path to see which way you go, 

Do you give up, 

Do you not care, 

Do you become bitter and evil, thinking you are entitled to be so, 

Or do you RISE and RESURRECT, empathise and understand, and strengthen. 

Adversity is a test, 

You're either crippled or walking freely, 

Don't be weighed down, 

Hills roll and mountains have valleys, 

Let your heart rise to the test.

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