There's always hope

People, what are people?

Tools to be used by satanic forces 

Or images on a screen. 

Things that don't keep promises and use you when they want. 

Consumers and abusers, accusers and losers, 

people are rarely interested, rarely genuine, rarely sincere and all they really want is money money money. 

That root is their path, their oath and their creed. 

They are selfish and centred on themselves, they ignore you and see you only when it suits. 

Their looks are more important than their character and their wealth is better than goodness. 

People to me are "detritus" , 

Like my short story was to my teacher all those years ago. 

Like my purposely coffee stained essay was to my lecturer, 

Like I was to those bullies and name callers and narcissists, and criminals, and drug my life. 

But, then there's me and my mum, and my brother, 

And my handfull of friends, 

So there's hope, 

Those honest passers by who smile and may say hello, 

Those people who show concern when you are ill,

Those people who look after the sick and comfort the weary,

Genuine people with genuine feelings, 

They are few and far between, but they exist. 

So there's hope. 

There's hope because a man who once walked the Earth, who was there in the beginning and is at the end, had nails hammered into his wrists for us and he did nothing wrong. 

They spat at him, cursed him and ripped into his skin and he did nothing wrong. 

They humiliated, belittled and accused him of doing everything wrong, but he did nothing wrong. 

They will continue until everyone knows the truth of the truth, and only then will they give up and say, I was wrong and that man who once walked the Earth, was right. 

So, open your eyes and soften your heart and feel what you need, 

And be honest with what you need, not what you want. 

There's always hope. 

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