Strength & Love

When a man does what he wants and can see the key in life, 
When his feet move with purpose and his thoughts are clear, 
When grip on the trophy strengthens with every beam of light, 
When he holds his head up high, 
When at home and in life, 
When his heart mends with the simplest touch, 
When he's found his mind and sees his life ahead of him, 
When friends are greater than ever before, 
When mother forgives and father a wonderful cause, 
When brothers and sisters have faith, 
When their worship is on the right path, 
When you choose a road that is straight and narrow, 
When your son carries you in your life, 
When your father lays his hand on your beautiful mind, 
When the bond of them both travels to your soul, 
When it ignites a wisdom of sight, 
When your fingers clutch flowers in the garden. 

You're able to do with the key as you please, 
And open the great door, 
Your feet rise from the ground as does your head, 
Your wounds are healed by his touch, 
And sleep comes within your bed, 
Your home is love, 
Your heart is strong, 
Your friend is your friend, 
Your mind is yours, 
Your mother and father are with you, 
They are the seed and the new shoot, 
And your brother and sister follow the same road, 
When you see what I see infront of me, 
You long to touch it with every finger, 
You see a gift,  
Something that opens the world to love. 

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