The Soldier

Tenacious in effort & 
Blessed with true friends, 
He sees Truth in sight, 
His spirit is strong & 
immense in might! 

Humility is his belief, 
Seeks positive action and will,  
Leaving weakness in its wake, 
The negative he will kill, 
For his friends sake!

His goodness isn't weak, 
His judgement isn't wrong, 
Indeed he is sensitive, 
But impeccably strong! 

His standards are high, 
Though he is meek, 
His heart doesn't lie, 
His mind isn't weak! 

Judgement is not for him, 
Its the Truth that bears weight, 
Solid and centred within, 
Seeks love and not hate! 

He finds the life and the way, 
He has ascended, 
Every moment of every day, 
Truth and life blended, and indeed splendid! 

In life courage is a must, 
Working hard he sweeps the dust, 
From the soles of his feet, 
No lies, he does not cheat, 
He is complete in feeling the heat, 
The heat is the litmus test, 
Are you crippled or the best? 
The best is the lowly, 
The best is the meek, 
The best is least, 
The humble is the peak! 

Poetry is masculine and grounded, 
Poetry is words from the heart, 
The Psalms by God were founded, 
Prayers and poetry are never apart! 

King David was a soldier, Saint Velimirovich a poet, St Ephrem The Syrian's hymns to paradise, don't you know it?! Like the soldier they wrote directly to God, 
Please Lord, fore the soldier knows You have strength to give! 
Faith in His Resurrection, 
Is the Way to live!

Domination is insecurity,
Subjection is incorrect, 
Control is frailty, 
Imposition is disrespect! 

The soldier wins every time, 
The soldier is free, 
The soldier is bold in his humility! 

The soldier is the greatest, 
He is the least, 
He is like a child, 
He is meek and mild! 

The soldier is a lion in a cave, rugged and undoubtedly brave, 
He is robust and not naive, 
He is concave, bent over in worship, not to man, but to the Almighty, and when stood upright, he is not an ego, but in awe of the greatness he sees, 
The birds and the bees, 
plants and the trees, 
light of the sun, 
mountains and lanes, 
oceans and the seas, 
bolders and grains.
Moonshine is weak, compared to the bright sun, the sun has won as its light is stronger and its rays travel longer, 
The Truth is not hidden in darkness, 
But shows its face in the light, 
His silence speaks faithful volumes,
Annihilating evil, 
Annihilating the lies, 
The Truth is not a facade, 
The Truth is not pretence, 
The Truth says what He is to your face, 
Doesn't sit on the fence! 
No hidden secrets, 
No hidden flaws, 
No hiding,
No trapdoors! 

The soldier sees the good, 
The war is in the mind, 
For the sighted and not the blind, 
The blind are those without the truth within, 
Who have no true fight, 
The blind are the losers, 
The losers are the choosers, 
Who chose hate over love, 
True love is from up above, 
And descends from the Dove! 

The soldier will always be here, 
Present and correct, 
Left, right, left, right.. 
To fight the hardest fight, 
He salutes the brave and the bold, 
The young and the old, 
The ruler and the meek... 

He's not perfect, nobody is, 
He has weakness, 
But is not weak! 
He accepts his flaws, 
He is sometimes wrong, 

For When I am weak, then I am Strong!!! 

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