The reply from the Sparrow to the aggressive words of the carnivorous large predator, Part Alpha.


"I stand for all Good things!

Literally stand! 

Stand with humility! 

I lift up myself and my friends! 

With help from Christ Almighty God! 

domination, control, intimidation, abuse and harassment, they all come to abrupt, sudden, perplexing and unexpected end! surprising, shocking and deadly termination! They all come crushing down to a final and heavy halt!

All Good things stem and grow with humility! "

The predator stopped immediately, thought deeply and was mesmerised. Never had anyone spoken to the predator like that before. Scratching and scraping the scalp, they departed, shaking at the knees. Only a force from truth will do this!... It will happen! It always does! 

The predators games were over... But, change never happened in their heart, not really. Their mentality was so ingrained in their very being, the only way change would happen would be by a surge of lightning straight to their solar plexus, natural surgery, bars surrounding them, feel the power of themself on themself! 

The living poem

I am a living poem,
This poem is anxious, 
This poem is emotional, 
This poem is sensitive, 
This poem is strength itself,
This poem is phenomenal power,
This poem sees through weaknesses at the speed of light, 
This poem is the First and the Last, 
This poem is humility, 
This poem is a bowed head, 
This poem is quiet, 
This poem is hidden, 
This poem is indestructible, 
This poem is fight, 
This poem is bravery and courage, 
This poem is will power and stamina, 
This poem is meek and lowly of heart, 
This poem is seeking life, 
This poem is ability, 
This poem is a gift, 
This poem is beauty, 
This poem is drawn to the Light, 
This poem is goodness, 
This poem is silence, 
This poem is love, 
This poem is life, 
This poem is Truth, 
This poem is annihilation of evil, a puzzle, a riddle that can't be solved, only knowable to the good and to the kind, to the genuine and to the honest. Don't try to understand me as you will not be able to, you won't understand, you can't, even an attempt to will mean your destruction. Either stand beside me or get out of my way. You are unable to use my weaknesses against me, as you do not know my weaknesses, underestimate me at your peril, as my strength is unconquerable! 

This poem is beyond what you understand, it is seeing the unseeable, attaining the unattainable, destroying the self so that life begins, not in glory, but in humility!

This poem is tough, yet gentle, look away now, ignore it, don't register it, 
You are your own enemy, your own downfall, you are weak.

This poem ends with strength! 

An apes dialogue with the narcissist, Part A, 'Knowledge is Power'

"You've never known me" said the ape to the narcissist. "why do you say that? " they replied. "Because if you really knew me, we would be friends, real friends, true friends".

The narcissist was puzzled. They were lonely and alone, didn't portray this outwardly, but inside they despised themself.

"Why cant you just be nice?" asked the ape. "I am nice" they said, but the eyes didn't say this, they said the opposite, dark and deathly.

"No, you're not".... "you're a facade"... "when you're alone in bed, at night, you feel miserable"... "This, is your state of being", said the ape.

"I'm not" they replied. "I'm a friendly person, just very at ease with everyone, not just with you"...

The ape knowing the ego of the narcissist, knew their game, but refused to play. The ape wouldn't be drawn in. Turned away and left.

They stood for a short while looking at the ape walk. They thought "a chance gone missing". It cut straight to their heart.

The ape was clear and grounded. "Bully... You've never controlled me and never will." The ape felt sorry for others, who they had overcome with charm and charism, poor helpless people, unaware and weaker than the ape. The ape felt glad and empowered.

The ape took a deep breath and whispered "I know............
why be the timid moon and stars in the dark, when you can be the dazzling sun in the daylight?"

Socrates 470-399 B.C - "know thyself"

Where is your strength?

I am anxious because I care,

I am emotional because I have feelings, 

I am sensitive because I empathise,

If any of you are like this rejoice! 

If any man be kind and feel love, let him enjoy his shining triumph. If any man have knowledge, let him enter into the joy of his life. If any have worked long, let him now receive his gifts, If any have fought hard, let him today receive his reward, thankfulness, no harm, defying and fearing nothing! 

For you are a giver of gifts, the gift of loving-kindness. Let no one feel his poverty, let no one weep for his weakness, let no one fear mental torment, set yourself free! 

He that was held mental prisoner of mental torment, has annihilated it! By descending into mental torment, He made torment a slave! 

Torment was bitter, for it was eradicated. It was bitter, for it was ruined. It was bitter, for it was devastated. It was bitter, for it was uncovered. It was bitter, for it was held down in chains.

Torment where is your strength? Torment where is your gut? Torment where is your courage? Torment where is your charm and where is your charisma now? You are an empty soul and an empty heart. I am still strong and you are overthrown, and you are fallen, I rejoice and life reigns, and not one tormented soul remains!

I am strong, as I fight and I struggle,

I am stronger, as I have courage, 

I am strength, as I am free! 

The Soldier

Tenacious in effort & 
Blessed with true friends, 
He sees Truth in sight, 
His spirit is strong & 
immense in might! 

Humility is his belief, 
Seeks positive action and will,  
Leaving weakness in its wake, 
The negative he will kill, 
For his friends sake!

His goodness isn't weak, 
His judgement isn't wrong, 
Indeed he is sensitive, 
But impeccably strong! 

His standards are high, 
Though he is meek, 
His heart doesn't lie, 
His mind isn't weak! 

Judgement is not for him, 
Its the Truth that bears weight, 
Solid and centred within, 
Seeks love and not hate! 

He finds the life and the way, 
He has ascended, 
Every moment of every day, 
Truth and life blended, and indeed splendid! 

In life courage is a must, 
Working hard he sweeps the dust, 
From the soles of his feet, 
No lies, he does not cheat, 
He is complete in feeling the heat, 
The heat is the litmus test, 
Are you crippled or the best? 
The best is the lowly, 
The best is the meek, 
The best is least, 
The humble is the peak! 

Poetry is masculine and grounded, 
Poetry is words from the heart, 
The Psalms by God were founded, 
Prayers and poetry are never apart! 

King David was a soldier, Saint Velimirovich a poet, St Ephrem The Syrian's hymns to paradise, don't you know it?! Like the soldier they wrote directly to God, 
Please Lord, fore the soldier knows You have strength to give! 
Faith in His Resurrection, 
Is the Way to live!

Domination is insecurity,
Subjection is incorrect, 
Control is frailty, 
Imposition is disrespect! 

The soldier wins every time, 
The soldier is free, 
The soldier is bold in his humility! 

The soldier is the greatest, 
He is the least, 
He is like a child, 
He is meek and mild! 

The soldier is a lion in a cave, rugged and undoubtedly brave, 
He is robust and not naive, 
He is concave, bent over in worship, not to man, but to the Almighty, and when stood upright, he is not an ego, but in awe of the greatness he sees, 
The birds and the bees, 
plants and the trees, 
light of the sun, 
mountains and lanes, 
oceans and the seas, 
bolders and grains.
Moonshine is weak, compared to the bright sun, the sun has won as its light is stronger and its rays travel longer, 
The Truth is not hidden in darkness, 
But shows its face in the light, 
His silence speaks faithful volumes,
Annihilating evil, 
Annihilating the lies, 
The Truth is not a facade, 
The Truth is not pretence, 
The Truth says what He is to your face, 
Doesn't sit on the fence! 
No hidden secrets, 
No hidden flaws, 
No hiding,
No trapdoors! 

The soldier sees the good, 
The war is in the mind, 
For the sighted and not the blind, 
The blind are those without the truth within, 
Who have no true fight, 
The blind are the losers, 
The losers are the choosers, 
Who chose hate over love, 
True love is from up above, 
And descends from the Dove! 

The soldier will always be here, 
Present and correct, 
Left, right, left, right.. 
To fight the hardest fight, 
He salutes the brave and the bold, 
The young and the old, 
The ruler and the meek... 

He's not perfect, nobody is, 
He has weakness, 
But is not weak! 
He accepts his flaws, 
He is sometimes wrong, 

For When I am weak, then I am Strong!!! 

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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