Poetry, passages & stories inspired in 2020 by Andreas C Koutsoudis "Adversity is the bedrock of creativity and strength!... A blog for empathetic people wanting to rebel and revolt... "
The reply from the Sparrow to the aggressive words of the carnivorous large predator, Part Alpha.
The living poem
An apes dialogue with the narcissist, Part A, 'Knowledge is Power'
"You've never known me" said the ape to the narcissist. "why do you say that? " they replied. "Because if you really knew me, we would be friends, real friends, true friends".
The narcissist was puzzled. They were lonely and alone, didn't portray this outwardly, but inside they despised themself.
"Why cant you just be nice?" asked the ape. "I am nice" they said, but the eyes didn't say this, they said the opposite, dark and deathly.
"No, you're not".... "you're a facade"... "when you're alone in bed, at night, you feel miserable"... "This, is your state of being", said the ape.
"I'm not" they replied. "I'm a friendly person, just very at ease with everyone, not just with you"...
The ape knowing the ego of the narcissist, knew their game, but refused to play. The ape wouldn't be drawn in. Turned away and left.
They stood for a short while looking at the ape walk. They thought "a chance gone missing". It cut straight to their heart.
The ape was clear and grounded. "Bully... You've never controlled me and never will." The ape felt sorry for others, who they had overcome with charm and charism, poor helpless people, unaware and weaker than the ape. The ape felt glad and empowered.
The ape took a deep breath and whispered "I know............
why be the timid moon and stars in the dark, when you can be the dazzling sun in the daylight?"
Socrates 470-399 B.C - "know thyself"
Where is your strength?
I am anxious because I care,
I am emotional because I have feelings,
I am sensitive because I empathise,
If any of you are like this rejoice!
If any man be kind and feel love, let him enjoy his shining triumph. If any man have knowledge, let him enter into the joy of his life. If any have worked long, let him now receive his gifts, If any have fought hard, let him today receive his reward, thankfulness, no harm, defying and fearing nothing!
For you are a giver of gifts, the gift of loving-kindness. Let no one feel his poverty, let no one weep for his weakness, let no one fear mental torment, set yourself free!
He that was held mental prisoner of mental torment, has annihilated it! By descending into mental torment, He made torment a slave!
Torment was bitter, for it was eradicated. It was bitter, for it was ruined. It was bitter, for it was devastated. It was bitter, for it was uncovered. It was bitter, for it was held down in chains.
Torment where is your strength? Torment where is your gut? Torment where is your courage? Torment where is your charm and where is your charisma now? You are an empty soul and an empty heart. I am still strong and you are overthrown, and you are fallen, I rejoice and life reigns, and not one tormented soul remains!
I am strong, as I fight and I struggle,
I am stronger, as I have courage,
I am strength, as I am free!
The Soldier
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