
Conquer the enemy within, 
Go forth and extend a hand of encouragement,
Have mercy and help eachother, and
help yourself too.
Awake thoughts,
Insightful and compassionate thoughts,
Give birth to good ideas,
Deep thoughts from the intuitive mind,
The strong that is the real you.

A magical golden and purple swayth of gratitude will envelope you if you reach the Divine,
Reach for it and gain
Be royally proud and filled with Holy humility,
Wake and embrace the sun in your heart,
Stretch forth brush and pen, shield and sword,
Be bold and sever the negative, 
Express and defend what's yours.

Rule your heart,
Hug your friend and forgive,
Release it and heal,
Write, paint, sculpt, express,
Shine like a gold reflection on the rivers surface,
I've seen it, so be it,
Let the beautiful copper and jade on that surface sparkle and glow,
Beneath the depths of water are boulders and stones, soil and grit,
Grit is the root of the shine,
It determines your courage,
Be brave and come back to your true good self.

Be your sun,
Be your rainbow,
Create liberty in consciousness around you,
Colours shining from a grateful smile and warm eyes.
Hate passes,
Fulfillment returns,
True and meek,
Strong and bold, the old becomes the new,
Power from birth will return and grow,
Diverge and spread a stream of vibrant invisible energy.

Never fade,
Freedom and independence always grows,
Free thinking and awake minds annihilate corruption wherever it exists,
The machinery of the system is crushed by true inspiration,
Never perish,
Grab your pen and write and learn,
Be yourself,
Think freely and learn,
The inspired mind is more than mere inspiration.

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