The Test

Everyone is unique,
Everyone can be gifted,
Be good and you'll be morally lifted, elevated to a higher plateau, I believe it.

Like the perfected Saints, perfected by Christ to perform the miraculous,
Sinner's are elevated too,
Saints were once sinner's after all,
So, know your treasure, know your call. 

There are guardians, protectors, there are demons, diabolical beings, vampires, people who suck your soul, spirits and Holy Angels and Archangels, the Six Winged Seraphim and Cherubim. 
Don't be Alexander,
Be Diogenes, the dog,
Bold and humble.
The stumbled life is the gifted life, the ability to see what others don't, fore the light shines on you and the spirit sparkles in your stride, 
Which kills the devil's pride.

Like litmus paper,
Soaking up vintage wine, the fluid of experience,
Identifying acid, alkaline or pH neutral,
Been there, observed and accomplished,
I'm here for an unknown length of years,
and God knows my tears,
He knows my battle,
Ingrained in trauma.
Like a grape vine,
Holding on for support,
I grip His Hand,
Suffering brings this clarity,
But, with it full bodied strength and charity. 

Now, I'm the litmus test,
Like my brother says, even when I'm wrong I'm right.
Even when he's in bed and out of sight,
crippled from the waste down and mentally incapacitated, now he's elevated,
His gift is child like innocence, 
He sees only the pure, 
Even in his weak state he sees the strength,
No blame or doing wrong,
Just strong. 

Calm is dangerous, but more so are the gifts. The gifts from above, protection through humility and faith in Truth, the gifted are the proof.
Know thyself,
Fore knowing you are weak,
That there's something stronger,
Creates a long life.
Ever existence comes from resistance, 
Resist breaking another soul, resist doing evil, resist closing your heart to Christ, 
Christ beckons the open hearted, the loving kind.
That gives me peace of mind.

When I stumble and when I trip, ask for mercy, I know it's for my own good, to remind me, remain solid footed and grounded, it keeps the blood suckers away and the demons. Contemplate and walk the walk, let your actions speak, don't be weak, be true, then God will stick to you like a super glue.

My good soul was obliterated,
Deluded and hallucinogenic,
Paranoid and insecure,
Anxious to the core,
Now I'm bullet proof,
Kill me and I'll become more powerful than your imagination,
Ascending to Heaven,
In God's Grace,
Cradled and strong, 
Forget martial art, muscle, physicality, guns, knives, weapons of destruction.
When one has insight, foresight, intuitive understanding, morally courageous aptitude, and above all good will for mankind, 
Divine protection and provedance will come.

Pass the test.
What's your gift?

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