The White Horse 🐎

The white horse trots away
with such grace. 
His mission is complete, he heads to the flowered meadows and olive groves beneath the mountains.

To the one's who deny the white horse -
do not judge me I say, do not preach to me, 
And do not think the Lamb is just timid and shy,
And I'll tell you why, 
If you believe in nothing,
Then nothing matters,
But, I will not budge my mind for you,
I will not budge my heart either, 
You are sticky like Cleaver, but I will not stick to you,
I stick to one who's words stick forever,
Stick in my heart,
Fore we are all imperfect,
Life's a balance, life's not a game, 
Do not blame a Lion you cannot tame,
Or get crushed in its jaws,
Outreach your hand to mine and climb, 
Not for fame and adulation or admiration,
Reach for the sky, reach for the center of the black hole, as within darkness shines forth Light, 
Look within, as inside are the cells bound by the Light,
Reach far and high,
And you will never die,
Or even cry,
As the Light shining does not sleep or lie.

Look for the leading horse
galloping fast to the mountain's summit,
The leading horse is bright white,
Lightening quick it bolts,
As it enjoys peace, but is bold and strong,
The second horse is lean and grey and doesn't eat grass or straw.
The third one is brown like the earth and not what it seems,
The last is as black as night. 

Follow the white horse for the Light of Heaven, fore He is Heaven sent, 
The grey horse is deception, a distortion of perception,
The brown is worldly humanity, for those seeking earthly fortune and sexuality,
The black is destruction and rage from another lineage of book and page, arrogantly bowed.

The white horse is The Gift,
We are flawed people,
But we have gifts too,
If only we follow the white horse,
This is not Morse code, a puzzle or a labyrinth,
It's plain as the nose on your face,
It's not a rhyme or riddle to figure out, 
It's the True poetry of Life,
Look around and see,
The insightful see it,
The intuitive rise,
The good get it,
The strong and the wise, 
The peacemakers and rebels,
The weird and strange,
The mocked and stricken,
The chained and the caged,
Don't enslave yourself with pride, don't fade within arrogant skin.  

The white horse stops infront of me,
Such loving kindness,
I stroke his nose and feel his warm breath,
In the end the beginning of life is death. 

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