The Garden of Gesthemane

The challenge that is life,
With each moment brings new battles and broken bridges,
Uphills and rough terrain,
Everything is war.

Psychological, emotional, physical and mental, 
The nuclear warhead explodes, radiating destruction,
The oncoming blast of evil obliterates everything in its path.

War with pain,
War with arrogance,
War with insecurity,
War with outward appearance and inner feelings,
War with addiction,
War with health,
War with nature,
War with opinion,
War with truth,
War with fact and fiction,
War with guns, missiles and ammunition,
War with enemies,
War with friends,
The medicine in life is hatred.

In war,
There is conquest over evil adversity in our minds and hearts, the battlefield won by the humble, the victory over darkness, the purity in people that comes forth in open arms and innocence reducing us to compassion and new bridges are constructed.

In the level sunlit path heading forward to the Olive Grove of reconciliation
the true medicine is humility,
the truly humble fight the real fight,
They cannot be demeaned,
They cannot be belittled,
They cannot be beaten down,
fore the Truth is on their side.

But, with this gift come the hardest tests, 
Tests for the strongest people, 
Those absolute people,
This is spiritual warfare, only here does hatred kneel and bow its head to love.
In the name of Genesis, and of Resurrection, and of the Light that shines on us all. 

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