My friend the light

I look up into the distant universe from my home in Fulham and think,
Far far away within the black hole beyond the clouds, stars and galaxies 
exists the creating and  restoring everlasting light.
That light that gives,
That light that is Good,
That light that empowers,
That light that enables salvation.
When I pray, I know only love can help me.
This light is the brightest! 

It's not like the moon that merely reflects light within the darkness of night, or like the sun which is burning gas, 
But this is light that only love creates.
It's not a dominant light, but fulfilling, a caressing light that eases pain, that extinguishes ego and encourages humility, a light that's protects and promises and never gives up on me!

My experience exists within this light and it understands me better than I understand myself. This friendship that exists between me and the light is better than any other, as it is perfect as The Light is perfection itself. 

Imagine being friends with perfection? 

Perfection is Truth,
Perfection is what we all seek, 
Perfection is attainable in our lives if only we ask for His guiding hand, 
If we ask that sincere question,
He will carry us forever on His shoulders,
He will gives us His strength,
He will be the open vessel that floods our soul with loving kindness and warmth,
Never will He leave us!
You just need to ask,
It's as simple as that.

Blessed is he who has The Light of the living God with him! 
Blessed is he who prays to Him!
Blessed is he who has His Love in his life! 

My perfect friend lifts me up from my bed every day, 
Gives me the power to attain that which I need to attain in my life...
And helps me rest when I sleep.

I have faith in Him,
As He is my faith,
He is my strength, 
He is in my flesh and in my blood,
He is my power and my glory,
His name is Jesus of Nazareth.

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