A nostalgic peace

If you look deeper you will find that the world is not surface superficial. It is not the pain in the neck electronic garble and nonsensical air time, it is not. 

It is nature, It is travelling and seeing, and experience,

It's the stepping onto a bridge from one place to another,

It's a shaking embrace, tears and expression,

It is art and music of laughter and painting on canvas with oil or acrylic,

It is the beat of heart, rhythm of wind and water current,

love of green and brown, muddy water and mess,

Playing outside and eating lollypops,

not being afraid and not having a care in the world.

It is looking in awe,

Seeing and valuing,

Stepping back and taking in,

Thorough appreciation and respect of the greatness of life.

The touch down of a gull on the surface of the ocean,

A burst of pace and sweat of a man,

The brute energy of wolf and dog,

The raw of a solitary lion,

A baritone or soprano sound or an outburst of improvisation,

The singing of birds in exhalation and exhilaration,

A stretching up and the kneeling down,

A prayer and sigh,

The breath and the life.

Return to the root of existence!

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