The Birth of a Hero

A feat so small it's on a termites plain,

A legendary man who needs no status to gain,

The myth of excellence not needing a place to hide,

A story to be told, as he laughed whilst he cried.

Cut down off the hook,

Broken and left in pieces,

Stripped and shredded,

The only way that life is embedded...

The termites mound becomes a mountain to climb, the legend, the myth, the story is within, it begins with a heartbeat, it begins when you sing, your own tune of courage, a whistle and a walk, like no other, it's seen in your movement and how you talk,

While rewiring your brain,

To heal and remain sane,

Gifts multiply and talents frequent your brush and pen,

You see people as they are through one and ten,

Masks are unveiled,

Disguises removed,

His strengths are elevated and determined to improve,

With every step and every chime, every brush stroke and in the line of fire every time, but he doesn't fade or conceal, whimper or wallow, fore he's transparent not hollow, full to the brim but with a thin skin and deep within!

Out of bed and out the front door,

Armour always worn,

Always set for war,

Until a fellow warrior is saluted, 

And a fist is raised,

And then his sword is laid to rest,

Until another painting is conquered and praised, 

And the warrior does his best,

Another poem is overcome,

Another battle won,

Another chess move to out think the enemies fragility, but

the best strategy is to eliminate hatred with humility...

Head down, graft and work,

Hit the nail hard,

And remain on the straight road,

Explode with verve and a splash of colour, 

Like the lucky man,

Don't implode and fight yourself,

A subconscious fight,

Where you are bringing others down, 

In that way you are already underground,

Dead and buried,

But lift up and encourage, and wear a feather in your hat,

With flamboyant nonchalance, not a care or a frown, but don't look to the ground,

And that's the making of the champion, pound for pound!

The knockout punch to the enemy is goodness and success,

The two walk hand in hand,

A kind word,

A smile to brighten the day,

Dowse the flame of evil with compassion and impress with empathy, words of care and a sympathetic embrace can find their way through the skin and bones of men of every race.

Life is not a contest,

Break those barriers in your heart, 

We're here to be kind,

Let your warmth and energy not be apart,

You'll shine and attract the same mind, 

A metamorphosis to not be afraid of who you show,

Show your colours,

Be different and glow,

Be a surprise,

Be a butterfly and show your beauty,

Fore what is within shows in the eyes,

and you can let yourself be,

Let your eyes be newborn!

So when you look and see,

your life forever will transform! 

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