The Pioneer

Like a firebird,

Like an angel of light, 

He encapsulates the human spirit,

Touches the soul,

The very essence of life.

This can never be taken away

from the heart or the memory,

Fore imparted from him to you in his silent steps is hope,

The chiming bell of hope,

The music of wonder and power,

Not history or philosophy,

But eternity.

With a tincture of the mystical and madness, with rhyme and reason and an elusive clean sweep, he cannot be touched or changed,

He is.

Like a wild white horse,

He can't be stopped or restrained, his light spreads and fills the lives of others without pause,

With notes of destiny in his song he crushes corruption and injustice and sets sail to higher ground.

The artist is the pioneer,

Playing the fiddle of life,

The brush stroke of humanity and genius,

To touch one soul is a gift and can never be taken away!

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