The Quest

There are many out there

we have not discovered yet,

We don't know them,

We may never know them,

But they exist.

Revolutionary masters of art,

Genius of inspiration,

Not just picture painters, but life givers,

Fore the music within comes without,

To change all around from within and without.

Cast your vision wide and broaden your scope,

Change comes from the deep,

Waves never stop,

The exchange of reality is never ending,

When one soul refuses to bend,

Many others may crack,

But, he can save them.

The test of life is the quest for change,

Stronger and stronger,

Bold and beautiful strength,

He doesn't belittle them,

He carries and lifts,

Sweeping away debris,

Sweeping away decay,

Soften your heart,

Heal from within.

The quest from the one to the many.

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