My Thesis

You're "normal" are you?

Normal is boring!

I'm a creative, I'm a lyricist, I see the world through what would be redeemed, 

my crazy eyes see through your theatre and your board and your puppetry,

Don't question me if you won't answer!

My creativity is my kindness,

My lyrics flow from my soul like a river of goodness,

My thesis is reality and art,

Life is not chess,

God is the sustainer and maintainer and my King,

People come and people go, I go with the flow with the good stream.

I'm a warrior, I'm a hero,

I start my life from zero,

Every morning I wake up,

Like a Spartan soldier,

Ready for war,

That's what we do, 

There's a method in our madness,

The root is sadness,

Reduced to nothing and now and forever until the battle is won I am a fiery golden rose, forever in blossom, forever growing towards the sun, opening and expanding, and reaching.

Every day is redemption day,

The child needs the father,

Crying for freedom through tears of strength,

Point the finger, box me in, I destroyed that box and broke that finger from birth with internal strength,

That internal strength never fades,

I'm the same as when I was born,

Never change,

Outnumber me, I use the Hot Gates, 

My life is Thermopylae,

I win before I die,

I die winning,

Then as the fiery rose I maintain my resurrection!

There's only certainty, never maybe in life, 

Strength is definite,

Game over!

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