Tears of Joy

Touch the heart,

Everything will follow,

Give glory to the heart,

And you'll never be apart. 

The body tantalises and teases, the mind calculates and manipulates,

But the heart,

Oh the sweet heart,

This is you,

This is your soul.

Some are the body,

Some are the mind,

When the heart doesn't exist

reveals an inner person missing life itself.

Void of feelings, void of emotion,

Dark eyes and dark soul,

Show the path they follow is the wrong way to go.

I pity these people,

But, what can I do,

Show them my heart?

With nothing to learn?

Or give my heart to a beautiful person and gain the same in return.

Life churns our minds sometimes,

It tempts our bodies,

But, when passion is from deep inside,

Other things do not matter...

Kind connection and healthy joy is the crux of life,

Like a sweet companion,

A long lasting friend,

To stand by you from beginning to end,

Reliable and sturdy,

And trust is always key,

Honest strength will hold you,

And they let you be,

Not alone, but to be yourself,

With no trickery or stealth,

Their intentions are pure,

Their intentions are good,

Clear and clean without falsehood.

Fill your heart with happiness,

Fill the lives of others too,

Make bonds of truth and wholesome fun,

Gravitation will naturally have begun,

Tears of joy will fill you and blessings will fill your stay, for a better life while on this earth, for the goodness of people in the greatest way. 

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