God's Grace

God's Grace is rare, they say,

But happens every second,

The meeting of artistic minds,

The striking of creative weapons,

He makes us cry, but with meaningful intent,

He makes us laugh and is always meant,

The making is in fact our own, but he knows it will happen, he knows why, how, when and where, he knows when we walk and when we stare.

When we fall, he picks us up,

When we hurt, he heals our wounds,

When we are crushed and can take no more, he lifts our heart off the floor and holds us gently in his embrace, wiping our brow and a kiss on our face.

We let life get to us all too much,

We think about nonsense and such and such,

But, when we focus on his way,

We see the light of another day,

We see that his ease lightens our weight,

And gets us out of our mental state, 

Our stress and strain, and pain will leave with prayer and hope, and when we just believe and cope.

Indeed faith is enough to save our soul.

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