Show Yourself

I believe in breaking the status quo,

I believe in rising above the machine,

I believe in dismissing the powers that be,

I'm no yes man,

I do not agree for an easy life,

I do not accept for harmony's sake.

I go down, but I'm never out for the count,

I awake, I rise and I fight back,

My instincts are to survive, to live and to flourish,

By nourishing my mind and body, I never let myself succumb to the outside,

I feel it, but it passes.

To strive and struggle is life,

Walls get in the way of clear sight,

But we fight and fight for what is right,

We hussle and tussle and battle our way,

Breaking down walls,

Destroying darkness,

Eliminating evil,

Eradicating disturbance and confusion from our minds by being a helping hand.

Back on my feet, will intact,

passionate and fighting,

Speaking out and not hiding,

Never internalising, but

Showing my guts and then glory follows,

I don't vibrate, I shine the light of faith!

I don't have a frequency, I'm on a higher plane to paradise!

I hold onto hope,

I will take away your hurt with love,

I will always help,

I have freedom and I will show it in my mind and actions,

Nothing holds me back,

My strength is pain,

The pain that creates humility,

The humility that comes 

from faith,

The faith in the Truth.

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