The small victory

For those who fail to empathise,

Lightning shatters your dreams,

For those who are empty and tired from wasted effort,

Will remain so until a change of heart,

For those who do not want to understand another,

A bomb detonates through your impervious facade,

Fore humanity is for love not hate,

It is to guide not to fight,

To embrace and not break.

But, those who get broken love more,

Crushed by another, they strive for the greatest wish,

The wish for humility and justice to win,

Their strength is sight,

To see the right from the wrong.

Delicate in mind,

But strong in will, their heart cannot be still until the Sun's rays shine on the good cause.

The best fight may appear as a loss,

It takes time to emerge,

But this victory is higher,

It is engrained,

It is who we are,

It is this which truly dominates the world,

The will of truth.

All appears as bleak and damaged, and corrupt,

But the will of truth always has victory.

Life is not a game to meddle with emotions,

It's not a front to conquer souls

And have them as a trophy,

Life is precious love and kindness,

It is this kindness which enables the humble man to win,

As the small victory is the conquest over the dark hearted,

This is strength a man has,

And lasts from the break of the dawn of time to the neverending souls in peace. 

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