
I'm a hurricane, I'm a lightning bolt, I'm a exploding volcano, I'm a revolution personified, you cannot contain me, you cannot box me in, you cannot label my life, I will never be what you want me to be or think I should be, I'll be what I want to be! 

I will not be restrained, 

I will not be controlled, 

I will not change my words, my actions or my thoughts for any man or anything!

Im a new horizon, I'm a blast of sunshine, a rising star, there's method in my madness, I can only but go far.

There's no cliché in me, I'm not a has been or was, I'm not over the hill or washed up. 

I'm fresh, I'm new, I'm ongoing development and ongoing progression,

I bear my cross with a smile on my face, with determination and a song of grace,

I'm poor as poor, but my inner being is richer than rich, 

There's no glitch in me, 

There's nothing wrong in me, 

If you see it, 

That's your problem, 

That's your fault, 

That's what's wrong with YOU. 

I'm my own law, my own rule, and  that's cool, 

It's cool to be different, 

To be unusual, 

To be strange, 

You may point the finger or gesticulate your hand my way, 

But, it's my way or no way! Understand?! 

Everybody has flaws and weaknesses, 

But some people dig deep and grind in life like a lion, and their heart roars with might, 

As to live in life is to fight and fight and FIGHT! 

I'm a giant, a monolith, but you'd never know, 

As my countenance is humble and my head is low, 

The greatest is the least, but the fire burns ferocious within the soul, 

To get to where I need to get, 

And your evil ways and the evil one himself will never stop me, 

I will never break my stride to get where I'm going, 

Your daggers will not kill me, 

Because I'm God made, 

God tells me what to do and how to live my life, 

God gave me the power, 

Gave me the power to be good, 

Gave me the power to be strong, 

Like an athlete I'll keep running and I'll keep rowing to get where I'm going, 

And nothing and nobody will stop me! 

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