The face of love

Alone under the stars

I think of everything. 

I theorise, summise, I intellectualise and I'm surprised at what I think. 

But, then I cry and I pray. 

I'm no longer alone here on Earth. 

The stars forge as one showing the face of love. 

The darkness around is dark, but the light from the stars hits me like a bolt from a thunder cloud. 

Despair no more, they say

Despair no more, 

You cannot touch me you pitiful one, I have light in my eyes encapsulating my entire frame, and I'm held close like a child. 

My depth was a kaleidoscope of intensity, now a light from above changes all that, 

My focus is your face, 

Your face always ahead of me, 

All this thinking doesn't matter, 

I'm a child, I see and feel what matters, and I know. 

My feet will stay here now, 

My eyes too, 

Focused on the entirety of what matters. 

And what matters my dear beloved, 

What matters, 

Is the face of love,

...and a smile on my face. 

I wonder

I wonder at the wind blowing wildflower in fields, I look and see

the radiant Sun and sumptuous sky,

such beauty exists and I wonder why. 

I wonder why people say great things and have pretty thoughts, why smiling is contagious and laughter the best medicine, how connections we make through God just happen. 

I wonder how faith makes us stronger, stronger still through darker times and grateful in times of blissful light. 

I can wonder all I like, as the truth is faith is exceedingly beautiful, and wonderment comes with the mystery. 

I look at tiny things with the curiosity of a child and feel awe at the immensity of Christ's power, then I feel His hand touch my shoulder, my friend The Creator, and I weep with a grateful heart. 

Such love and comfort through the entirety of life, 

He always shows mercy, 

Always forgives, 

Always loves. 

I always wonder as the wonderful is Him, of Him and with Him. He makes life beautiful, so such wondering will never cease and my joy for life will never end. 

See the Good

We wait for that big event in life when we'll make it,

We wait for things to happen,

We wait to be happy,

Gratitude for the moment is the answer,

Then no waiting is necessary. 

Waking up and feeling fulfilled with the small things and being alive, 

No whinging, no complaints, 

You have your hand, now do your best and don't give up, do not despair,

Despair is the beginning of the end. 

Everything is not easy, 

Do what you can and feel blessed for the good things. 

Put that big event to rest and live your life in contentment, fore that event is a deception, 

It doesn't bring happiness if you are not already happy with what you have,

Do not strive for happiness, 

Strive to be selfless, to overcome, to remain calm. 

Be humble, 

Pray to God and 

See the good. 

There's always hope

People, what are people?

Tools to be used by satanic forces 

Or images on a screen. 

Things that don't keep promises and use you when they want. 

Consumers and abusers, accusers and losers, 

people are rarely interested, rarely genuine, rarely sincere and all they really want is money money money. 

That root is their path, their oath and their creed. 

They are selfish and centred on themselves, they ignore you and see you only when it suits. 

Their looks are more important than their character and their wealth is better than goodness. 

People to me are "detritus" , 

Like my short story was to my teacher all those years ago. 

Like my purposely coffee stained essay was to my lecturer, 

Like I was to those bullies and name callers and narcissists, and criminals, and drug my life. 

But, then there's me and my mum, and my brother, 

And my handfull of friends, 

So there's hope, 

Those honest passers by who smile and may say hello, 

Those people who show concern when you are ill,

Those people who look after the sick and comfort the weary,

Genuine people with genuine feelings, 

They are few and far between, but they exist. 

So there's hope. 

There's hope because a man who once walked the Earth, who was there in the beginning and is at the end, had nails hammered into his wrists for us and he did nothing wrong. 

They spat at him, cursed him and ripped into his skin and he did nothing wrong. 

They humiliated, belittled and accused him of doing everything wrong, but he did nothing wrong. 

They will continue until everyone knows the truth of the truth, and only then will they give up and say, I was wrong and that man who once walked the Earth, was right. 

So, open your eyes and soften your heart and feel what you need, 

And be honest with what you need, not what you want. 

There's always hope. 


The first test comes as a child,

The teasing and taunting,

The Bullying and abuse,

The difference or ailment that separates you from the others,

It comes as preparation for later life. 

Forget money and forget fame when tortured by life, 

health is true richness and joy. 

You may have everything, but without serenity of mind and wholesomness of body you have nothing. 

Be glad now for what you have, not resentful for what you don't, 

Do what you can with your gifts, fore you are blessed. 

Strive, but do not wish for more, 

Be driven, but be grateful for every moment. 

Appearances mean nothing when at the height of trauma, 

You must hope that what lies inside will pull you through and you get through stronger. 

It might not make sense, 

But those tests of character are put in your path to see which way you go, 

Do you give up, 

Do you not care, 

Do you become bitter and evil, thinking you are entitled to be so, 

Or do you RISE and RESURRECT, empathise and understand, and strengthen. 

Adversity is a test, 

You're either crippled or walking freely, 

Don't be weighed down, 

Hills roll and mountains have valleys, 

Let your heart rise to the test.

The tiny flame 🔥

Within the doomed darkness of the abyss,

Within the deepest caven where only ego and sin exist, 

Within the gloom of loneliness, homelessness and hopelessness, 

There exists only one tiny flame. 

A tiny flame which shines forever and transmits everywhere, 

A flame that guides, answers and saves, 

It guides you in life, 

It answers all questions and all prayers, 

It brings you to your salvation. 

When at a loss, you gain everything, 

When down, you are lifted high, 

When afraid, you are comforted. 

This darkness is pale in comparison to the tiny flame, 

As darkness has no strength, 

It hides and is deceptive, 

The flame shines in your face, 

It tells you what it is, 

It shows you the way to live,

It never gives up on you, 

It wants only the best for you and it is relentless in its guiding love. 

Truth is Truth

You can research or read as much as you want, at the end of the day opinion overrides everything, and so does truth. Whether you agree with science or not, it's an opinion you agree with, scientific fact or not fact, evidence based or not evidence based, you agree with the knowledge you have equired because you agree with it. If nothing has meaning like you have explained, then anything is acceptable and anything is right and correct. Morals to you must be man made, but if we are only animals or even only molecules, it means nothing, so in this meaningless existence how does anyone begin to have purpose in life, or feel the need for purpose if we're only here to procreate then die, and that's the end. To me this scientific belief is sad, empty and untrue. It is also weak and you will find that science people are the weakest, as many people who have these beliefs are not only arrogant, but angry. You might not agree with me, probably you don't, but whether priori or apriori it doesn't matter. Truth is truth, falsehood is falsehood.

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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