Inner Strength

Don't listen to negative talk, 

Listen to beautiful music of your soul,

Don't let people get you down,

People do hurt,

But, don't wear a frown.

listen to the freedom of birds in the sky,

The music of their wings,

Rise with strength.

You'll feel devastated one day,

Low and weary,

They want to break you, 

They want to shame you,

They want to claim your life,

Don't let them.

Be your heart and lift up from the devastation and become your elevation.

Elevation is brave,

Elevation has guts,

Don't be scared, take risks,

We learn by our mistakes,

Don't be afraid to fail,

Let your ship set sail,

The waters are deep and dark,

But sail towards the light. 

If your intentions are good, but

people tell you can't do it, 

then prove them wrong and go through it, 

Motivate yourself,

Drive your own car, 

Steer your own vehicle,

Believe in yourself,

Rebel and revolt,

Challenge and change life,

Fore it always needs changing.

If you can't see, listen to beautiful things,

If you can't walk, read and learn,

If you can't hear, talk and make friends,

If you're near death, pray,

Nobody is alone,

Always pray for better things and better days, no matter how crippled and down you are,

Lift up your soul,

Rise above your frailty with inner strength,

Whether mentality or physicality,

Never let yourself be beaten by dark ways and weakness,

There's something deep inside everyone that is drawn to goodness,

Everyone needs love,

Be drawn to love,

Reach for the stars, the galaxies and quasars, with feet firmly on solid ground.

Have faith, 

Inner strength is greater than disablement,

Don't be burdened with anxiety or hold yourself back,

Those tranquil notes on the piano want stop just because life is difficult,

Just because depression is here,

Inside you can break the cycle again and again, and again,

Keeping the feet pedaling onwards, relentlessly. 

Have faith and inner strength will always be there,

The greatest strength.

The Good Artist

We are like a stone being chipped away at, 

tap after tap,

until beauty is revealed.

Life shows us this, 

It shows us true talent and true strength, 

We are chiselled,

We are broken down,

We are hammered,

For our own good.

Our eyes are opened and we gather grit, steal and iron,

Our hearts are warmed, 

Our minds made gentle,

Our creativity enlightened,

Our fires made burning,

Tap after tap,

Pieces are broken off,

Our weaknesses are chiselled away.

We crack and crumble,

We are pounded down, 

Each breakage reveals 

strength after strength,

An inner core of resilience and determination that only the tenacity to never give in will bring.

The artists stone made good and humble, 

closer and closer to that final image,

that final destination.

He revels and delights at the anticipated achievement in his own gift, 

It is brilliant music to him,

The tools of art are the heart and soul, and all that is inside is displayed for all to see,

What matters is the shear exhilaration,

The joy and reward,

People may marvel, people may stare,

Genius or madness who knows,

Tap after tap into his life and mind, and spirit.

We are only damaged if some beauty is not revealed,

We are only damaged if the artist is unhappy,

We are only damaged if we damage others,

The Good Artist only nurtures his power, his spirit is high and his power is happiness, his power is to reveal the truth that lies inside him, after all weakness is of material, strength is unseen.

Coffee & Whiskey

Fire red roses stare at me as I drink my coffee, 

Flames of chrysanthemum awaken my fascination,

The burning light of sunflowers look at me questioning my sanity.

A glow from within as I sit on my soft chair and I know I've won,

I'm not a man of the cloth,

But, against the odds and pleasing to my thoughts 

I will succeed before the precipice of death,

And I will wake as I die

to breath a new air,

But that unending dark drop of death won't last,

As I will rise again.

Its upto strength to decide,

It's for determination to determine,

Only the unfathomable can fathom what lies ahead.

I wear my thick leather gloves, put my deck shoes on, sip some whiskey and set sail one last time to find what I'm looking for, 

That something, that ambition that will complete my life.

I steer the rudder and watch the sea,

Wave after wave, 

Hours pass,

My compass fails,

The radar is broken,

The lights are have gone out,

It's soon to be dark,

Time passes.

I wake and I see fire, flames and light all around,

The sea is still and my boat is guided by the light, 

I can't believe what I'm seeing..

The beginning of life,

The creation of joy,

The greatest gift,

I feel I need not want no more,

My demons have vanished,

Darkness has gone,

My dream is delivered,

Humility has won.

George Papoutsis

I don't know the Greek guy George Papoutsis, but I'm so impressed to see,

His humble wear and 

Whitening beared and hair,

He inspired me!

Don't mistake his looks for weakness, 

He baskets the ball without sneakers,

Heavy Timberlands he puts on to play and in New York city he drives to pay..

His bills, what an honest man! 

While helping disabled children, doing what he can, he's morally grounded!

And man! The way he moves and shoots ball, I'm amazed, I'm dumbfounded!

- Keep up the good work George, you're great! ...God bless!

Your love

(a response to the question of am I normal or ordinary?) 

I'm a star amongst billions in space, shining brightest of them all,

Like every blade of grass clothed beautifully in green gowns, my gown glows greater on a path of light,

Like every petal luscious in colour and every leaf on every tree, but I'm surrounded by awe.

For me, the clouds golden lining shines at sunrise absorbed through the eyes, 

flecks of light cover everything around with warm wishes, 

a tunnelling mole as a volcano erupts is in view,

The feel of the oceans on my feet, and trickles of water to quench the thirst of a playing puppy and gurgling newborn child.

Through green eyes, sailing a boat, lense focused and taking pictures of the world,

The leaf that fell from the tree then sliding off your shoulder to the ground is me, fore It has life giving breath. 

The wonderment of the moment,

The glory of view,

A sparrow totters past on uneven earth, then flies away in a hurry,

Flowers look to the sun,

then the glittering Cosmos enlightens me, the delightful change of your expression lets me know I need not what others have, because I have your love.

The cradle of love

Haunting, but beautiful, frightening, yet special,

The kaleidoscope of uncommon genius to crack any code stems from love of the heart,

Incredibly smart though with a softness and a kindness untold,

Until the terrifying psychotic episode did unfold,

Then the rare story unravelled for people to behold.

This schizophrenic is a beautiful man, with a beautiful mind,

A soldier of mentality,

A psychological warrior overcoming cerebral torture to see what others do not,

Not the delusions, not the hallucinations and voices in his mind, but the artistic, creative, unfathomable ability to decipher numerical oddities rendering the odd and stigmatized to normalized and harmonized, and kind.

The movements and circling of pigeons is a game, that brings fame and Nobel Prize, no surprise that love and genius with that Aristotelian tincture of madness and sadness, brings unparalleled brain power,

No sour taste,

No regret,

As love conquers iniquity and frailty to display the facts set,

Strengths through electrocution to find the solution,

Strengths through overcoming medications and drug filled injections,

Strengths through morality, mortality and insanity.

Poetic justice and injustice unhidden withstanding cruelty, true and empathetically purposed,

Without riptide and corseness, but built with gentleness and warmth, and genuine, not pride and a thick hide, but humanly kind. 

As the diploma was given, the painting sold, the applause and the handshakes over,

He thanked the bond of love that got him past being stripped of life, 

The embracing cradle of love gave him a power greater than any other,

to give love back.

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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