Tears of Joy

Touch the heart,

Everything will follow,

Give glory to the heart,

And you'll never be apart. 

The body tantalises and teases, the mind calculates and manipulates,

But the heart,

Oh the sweet heart,

This is you,

This is your soul.

Some are the body,

Some are the mind,

When the heart doesn't exist

reveals an inner person missing life itself.

Void of feelings, void of emotion,

Dark eyes and dark soul,

Show the path they follow is the wrong way to go.

I pity these people,

But, what can I do,

Show them my heart?

With nothing to learn?

Or give my heart to a beautiful person and gain the same in return.

Life churns our minds sometimes,

It tempts our bodies,

But, when passion is from deep inside,

Other things do not matter...

Kind connection and healthy joy is the crux of life,

Like a sweet companion,

A long lasting friend,

To stand by you from beginning to end,

Reliable and sturdy,

And trust is always key,

Honest strength will hold you,

And they let you be,

Not alone, but to be yourself,

With no trickery or stealth,

Their intentions are pure,

Their intentions are good,

Clear and clean without falsehood.

Fill your heart with happiness,

Fill the lives of others too,

Make bonds of truth and wholesome fun,

Gravitation will naturally have begun,

Tears of joy will fill you and blessings will fill your stay, for a better life while on this earth, for the goodness of people in the greatest way. 

God's Grace

God's Grace is rare, they say,

But happens every second,

The meeting of artistic minds,

The striking of creative weapons,

He makes us cry, but with meaningful intent,

He makes us laugh and is always meant,

The making is in fact our own, but he knows it will happen, he knows why, how, when and where, he knows when we walk and when we stare.

When we fall, he picks us up,

When we hurt, he heals our wounds,

When we are crushed and can take no more, he lifts our heart off the floor and holds us gently in his embrace, wiping our brow and a kiss on our face.

We let life get to us all too much,

We think about nonsense and such and such,

But, when we focus on his way,

We see the light of another day,

We see that his ease lightens our weight,

And gets us out of our mental state, 

Our stress and strain, and pain will leave with prayer and hope, and when we just believe and cope.

Indeed faith is enough to save our soul.

Show Yourself

I believe in breaking the status quo,

I believe in rising above the machine,

I believe in dismissing the powers that be,

I'm no yes man,

I do not agree for an easy life,

I do not accept for harmony's sake.

I go down, but I'm never out for the count,

I awake, I rise and I fight back,

My instincts are to survive, to live and to flourish,

By nourishing my mind and body, I never let myself succumb to the outside,

I feel it, but it passes.

To strive and struggle is life,

Walls get in the way of clear sight,

But we fight and fight for what is right,

We hussle and tussle and battle our way,

Breaking down walls,

Destroying darkness,

Eliminating evil,

Eradicating disturbance and confusion from our minds by being a helping hand.

Back on my feet, will intact,

passionate and fighting,

Speaking out and not hiding,

Never internalising, but

Showing my guts and then glory follows,

I don't vibrate, I shine the light of faith!

I don't have a frequency, I'm on a higher plane to paradise!

I hold onto hope,

I will take away your hurt with love,

I will always help,

I have freedom and I will show it in my mind and actions,

Nothing holds me back,

My strength is pain,

The pain that creates humility,

The humility that comes 

from faith,

The faith in the Truth.

The small victory

For those who fail to empathise,

Lightning shatters your dreams,

For those who are empty and tired from wasted effort,

Will remain so until a change of heart,

For those who do not want to understand another,

A bomb detonates through your impervious facade,

Fore humanity is for love not hate,

It is to guide not to fight,

To embrace and not break.

But, those who get broken love more,

Crushed by another, they strive for the greatest wish,

The wish for humility and justice to win,

Their strength is sight,

To see the right from the wrong.

Delicate in mind,

But strong in will, their heart cannot be still until the Sun's rays shine on the good cause.

The best fight may appear as a loss,

It takes time to emerge,

But this victory is higher,

It is engrained,

It is who we are,

It is this which truly dominates the world,

The will of truth.

All appears as bleak and damaged, and corrupt,

But the will of truth always has victory.

Life is not a game to meddle with emotions,

It's not a front to conquer souls

And have them as a trophy,

Life is precious love and kindness,

It is this kindness which enables the humble man to win,

As the small victory is the conquest over the dark hearted,

This is strength a man has,

And lasts from the break of the dawn of time to the neverending souls in peace. 

The Cross Road

It's the cross road of life,

Decide or regret,

Do I chose cold or do I chose heat,

I'll listen to my heart and decide with my feet.

This way or that,

Left or right,

Is it flight or is it fight,

I'll fight for my heart, I'll fight for my love, I'll fight for my faith, I'll fight from the start.

It's the new chapter in life,

The middle salute,

Will I die or surrender to life,

Will I give in or forgive,

Will I accept or be brave and live.

To live isn't to squander your chances,

It isn't to test your luck,

It isn't to risk your life on triviality,

To live is to be bold in your belief, strong in your strengths, faithful in your fight and tenacious with your time,

It's a chance to build and a chance to align.

I'm on the bridge,

Half way across,

Much water has passed beneath and I remember the gains and the loss,

I got to keep busy living,

I got to start with the first move,

I can't think about death,

I got to keep positive

And think of my first breathe.

Life is too harsh to be barraceded in,

I got to explode forth,

I got to jab and jab my way back in,

I got to take chances and counter punch sin,

Fore this is the way of mercy,

I got to pray and not let evil win.

The cross road is here,

Self reflection or share my heart,

Superficial or a meaningful bond,

Am I trash washed up or is new life at the other end of the shore,

I must dig deeper than ever before,

I must realise my blessings and hold onto that which I adore.

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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