Love Always

Disrespect me with bitterness and say it's my fault? The stars align in my favour!

Disrespect me with dark eyes and say I'm to blame? The planet's glow and this battle they savour!

Go and light your gas elsewhere! The Sun is a burning ball of gas, far brighter than this small game!

My character is good, strong and humble! God knows and he sees you in the frame!

You won't make me tumble or fumble my words, 

go ahead with your campaign of smear,

You won't bring me fear,

Just because your character is rotten, you won't carve your symbol into my skin,

My skin is thick not thin!

You may think you are the centre of the universe and you think you can play me like a puppet? But, your miniscule heart and internal insignificance are controlling you, the devil has YOU by the strings!

In the blackest hole appears the brightest light,

Darkness versus Light?

Light overcomes every darkness, heals every wound,

Cleanses every spiritual frailty.

I defy your wicked ways and your ego trip,

For the love I have is too strong, 

Love surrounds my body and encapsulates my mind,

My heart and my soul are ready for any battle, 

As I fight evil with love,

Love is the truth,

Lies never win,

You think your always buoyant, but this time you'll sink not swim,

As my prayers are to your maker aswell as mine,

I will forgive you in time,

By then your rotten edifice will be underground,

Nothing profound,

That's life, 

That's truth.

Αs God places his hand on my head and blesses me himself,

I'm protected from evil.

My dear, if wicked ways won,

This universe would not exist,

As creation is love,

Love's conquest is always in our midst. 

Love Always!!! 


The Cave

I once was inside a cave,

Dark and shadowy,

All that could be seen was the distant light from outside,

My reality was darkness,

My reality was a lie.

I made a fire to warm my hands and to eat,

The light was closer,

But was all in my mind,

My thoughts playing trickery,

The light burnt me and soon burnt out.

I stumbled closer to the outside,

I could see the light outside from inside,

I realised it's true existence,

I was still in the dark, but could see the light, 

My heart longed for the light of the light.

Then one day,

I forced myself out of the cave,

Step by step,

By the power of my will,

Embracing the light,

I could see it and feel it,

It's brightness, its warmth,

The light was true life,

I was in darkness no more,

I know the truth!

I know reality and actuality! 

I am now transformed and transfigured into a higher way of seeing and being! 

One, two and three

As sure as the wind blows,

Here's how life goes,

With pure water, who's atoms are beautiful,

With bright light, we have sight,

With exercise of body and mind strength is irrefutable,

With goodness from the earth we gain might!

Sure, with a tipple or two and coffee or three, but do what you need more abundantly!

Joke, laugh and be happy, by all means. With compassion, full of joy and beans!

High five your friends with integrity and cheer, that way that devil of fear will disappear!

Let's make it even more clear,

Blessed are those who's heart is in the right place, they neither runaway nore chase, but grounded and strong is their base! So follow with your heart that goodness of your desire, as the world can be dangerous fire, so quench it with love and your hearts choir!

Bring on the New Year, with song, wisdom and clarity, 

Use your talent and gifts,

And see that life shifts,

The scales balance in your favour in that mysterious way,

And everyday day is a good day,

As long as from the Master we learn,

And let your passions burn,

I now must end this poem on a higher ground,

And something even more profound,

For you and for me!

I'll say it in one, two and three,

Nothing Is Impossible! 

All in Good time

One day and that day will come, when all those around you, who doubted you, who hated you, who abused you,

Will see the truth,

And when you look them in the eye they will know,

The eyes never lie.

Kick me around,

Slap me down,

Beat me to the ground,

You will never destroy me,

I'm not just a survivor,

I'm a warrior of life,

A peace seeker,

A bone collector,

I collect the bones of those souls that have lost the will to be kind!

Kindness is king,

And when you're kind you sing!

As does your heart,

And it shows in your face,

It's a thing called grace,

You're angel protects you,

As do your friends, 

the master in your life guides you through the dark times,

He never bends,

Until the victory bell chimes,

He protects you and helps you,

Never neglects you,

Or rejects you!

Goodness conquers all in time,

You will see,

Mark my rhyme,

It will all happen in time!

T'was the night before Christmas

T'was the night before Christmas,

There was much to fear,

But behold the Light to be born to make everything clear,

Everything with breath will bowe,

Everyone will sing,

Everything shall go forth,

Everyone with their gifts to bring.

If your heart beats good, you will shine, a rarity sublime,

If you see the Truth, you are living proof,

That no matter how hard you are hit by life, you will rise,

No matter how dark the world becomes,

and though purity and sincerity is despised, 

The unknown man will show the Light,

The right way to be,

Until life is crystal clear like clarity!

Though weak in bed and in need of aid,

With hope and strength,

You will never fade,

This is a call for Light,

The Light will shine on you dear brother,

It doesn't smother, like the corrupt controlling world,

But gathers with two and three for eternity,

In the middle of mental strife,

In the battle for physical health,

In the centre of spiritual warfare,

The Light tends to the vulnerable to soften and warm the face,

Mellowing the brow and voice,

Like a child your innocence will be in place.

In this world of manipulation,

The synchronization of simplicity will reign,

Until apocalyptic times end,

The insane will prove to be right,

Those with inner sight and unrelenting fight!


T'was the night before Christmas,

There's no more to fear,

As the hope of the world will bring good cheer,

The mighty shall fall,

The meek shall forgive,

Together brother forever we will live!

The Open Door

The locked room is cold and dark,

A closed soul and a closed heart,

Full of trouble and filled with pain,

A nightmare place for evil,

Out to hurt for selfish gain.

No love, no joy, just emptiness and hurt,

Twisted bitterness and sadness frequent this doom,

But, it can blossom, it can bloom,

There is always hope for the locked room!

The Open Door welcomes you in,

Surprises you with such loving kindness you cannot but react with tears of gratitude.

A smile and complete cherished warmth that never leaves, never lets go, destroys all ill feeling and darkness, cleansing the soul, cleansing the heart and from it you'll never be apart. 

Your life will change,

the beauty of the prevailing truth will hold you, it's embrace so gentle, so pure, you will become fresh and new, and you'll feel the power of the eternal cure!

You'll glow a radiant light and forever feel the melodic steps of beautiful music are in sight!

Enter through the blessed open door, and forever feel the humble power of the cure!

The Light on the leaf

Leaves in the trees

whitewashed by blazing Light,

with stunning simplicity

my eyes widen by this act of goodness,

through crisp air I feel warmth,

No mathematical equation or philosophical theory can summise my surprise to this devastating blow to hatred,

widen your eyes to this surprise,

Every morning wake up with a bounce and a beat, a skip and verve, that no evil can defeat,

Annihilate manipulation with the cradle of salvation,

The heartbeat of Heaven,

Paradise is in the Light on the leaf,

A tiny semblance of what's to come,

No shadow, no darkness,

Just Light, that glistening Light,

That bites at the frost and the cold-hearted, 

And warms the cobbles of the soul,

This Light shouts far and wide,

Rings in the ears and brain,

Softens the tumultuous tide,

Without blame or stain,

Let me call and make the world shake and quake,

That in the beginning this destiny of life I was created from love,

Handmade by the Greatest Physician,

No factory conveyor belt,

Not processed,

Not injected or infected,

But fashioned from the earth with love and care,

Every cell and every hair,

Not a multi pack, stack on stack,

But unique and sealed with a loving kiss,

So, I grasp my shield and sword,

And vanquish the nibbles and bites of evil,

Eliminate that interceptor,

With radiance and a nod to clarity,

Remember we are all fallen,

But wake up rising,

Don't wallow and remember death,

Rise and be present with goodness,

Rise and shine like the Light on the leaf,

Burn away the bad,

Allow the manipulator no time,

Allow pettiness no freedom,

Create a greatness within,

So your expressions win,

Expressions of loving kindness like the Light on the leaf! 

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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