Mental health - Stay together

Stay in touch dear friends,
Theres no panic and no alarm,
Dig deep and weather this storm,
Be patient & stay calm,
And persevere until this new norm.

Everyone knows what it's like now,
to be isolated, to be alone at home.
But, you're not alone,
You're not a solitary stone.

Through fearing the unknown,
Not knowing what to believe,
Too much information,
And what to perceive and conceive.

Through depression,
And dark suppression,
Paranoid thinking &
Mood dipping and sinking,
Anger, hatred, stress and tension, all this and more,
But, there is a prevention...

Stay motivated and activated,
Stay together and be grounded,
Breath deep breaths,
We are all in it together,
We're all vulnerable,
We're not at our best,
So have plenty of rest.

Its a time of learning and relaxation,
A time to be gentle to yourself,
Its a time for contemplation and reflection,
And to look after your health.

Stay together,
It will come to an end,
Its not forever,
Its the same for everyone, Family and friend.
Breath and take it easy,
In time it will pass,
As all things come to an end,
Then you'll feel the touch of your dear friend.


A tree worries not for its leaves and a creatures shell is not heavy for the creature itself. For those who know Christ, His love conquers all and brings ease and light.

Therefore, always pray with depth and rigour.
pray you always have strength.
pray love is always with you.
pray love always binds us.
Love is timeless, blessed and sacred. Take courage in prayer, take courage in hope.

I see a future.
I see happiness.
I hope to hear your voice.
I hope to see you.
Your heart is soft and warm Dear Lord, I long for my home to rest there.

Hope is ingrained in the fabric of humanity.
Without it we are mere dark space. There is no looking forward. There is nothing without hope. In this nothingness there exists only heavy burden.

The ease of our weight on His shoulders is carried with lightness, and to this lightness everything returns. We may become old and frail, but our life returns, our memories and vigour return. We always stand with love.

The universe and You

The world is a bottle of champagne, a shaken current of time, an explosion of life, but the blessing that is prayer for you is mine...

The travelling of stars, of Pluto and Mars, infinite numbers and vibrant colours, but you are my Lord...

The accelerating exploration of minds and creation of poetry, love of words, like a million pound lottery. Miracles and signs made from love, but your strength is that which sends me to the Light above...

Fore, my love for you excels, I believe, as it has no trinkets or bells, it has no money or car, or fame, and never any blame, it comes straight from my hearts very cells, when you hear my heart thud! its my bodies beat saying I'm with you, I'm with you, I'm with you...

Blossom and Rose, white, pink or red, bushes and trees, nourished and fed, it keeps on growing does my love and will never end, fore Heaven above is where its led, it came from the ground that You found, step by step I walk with you, we walk forever...


The Greatest Physician

He is risen!
He is risen indeed!
To save our souls,
Fore we are in need,
Of the Divine spark,
that luminous eye,
that Almighty cry that shook the earth and cracked the crust,
from the dust came life, moulded in His hand,
He created us,
And this mysterious and wonderful land!
Chains are broken,
locks are shattered,
fetters forced open,
He is the key,
that opens the loving door to paradise!

I believe,
Everyday I am dead in sin,
Everyday I am born in rising from sleep,
Everyday I am resurrected in redemption.
I'm always protected,
As He carries me,
And He's got my back,
My best friend who will never slack!
Each day is a microcosm of life's mystery,
Fore God alone begins our history!

The ultimate defiance,
lies not in atheism or science,
But, in overcoming death by death,
and by death, giving breath.
Life to all who He created,
As He loves us without question,
without doubt,
He is true and kind,
And never changes His mind!

He knows us better than we know ourselves,
His Word never fails,
Like a ship with broad sails,
His feet walk on the ocean,
He is the tonic and lotion,
The Miracle cure and potion,
He is the Greatest Physician,
The Healer of our lives,
He sets our hearts alight,
With no cares, no worries,
Fore His yoke is easy,
And His burden is light!

A light dance

Daylight darkness disappeared,
Thick mist melted away.

The confusion, the disturbance, the noise, the isolation, the tortuous weight on my back, the quicksand, the chains, the knots, the tightness and tension has gone!

I appreciate simple things. When the sun shines I do a light dance.
I hear bird song and feel the beauty in my surroundings.
I smile.

Darkness is in my grasp and I crush it!
I stand strong.
I walk with ease.
I persevere.

Boredom? 🍃

I look at a single growing leaf,
Such elegance and beauty,
The dazzle of light shines on it,
It moves and it changes,
It has life, it is life!

Zest and enthusiasm is key,
The tiny leaf enhances my soul,
It defies the mundane,
It defies tedium,
Its nonchalance is miraculous!

The leaf is strong,
The leaf lives by light,
And exudes oxygen,
Brilliant and mesmerising,
Inexhaustible in fascination!

Until the sun sets ☀

Daylight arrives, the sound of hope calls,
The rising fires open hearts and minds,
Senses take in the new dawn,
A precious time best spent with loved ones.
As I walk I contemplate life,
As I walk seeds are planted,
Soon the buds of insight blossom,
The aroma of excitation takes hold.
King of kings they call the philosopher,
Death of the thinker and acid rains down,
An irrational pollution,
Irrational minds causing chaos,
The chaos of inner turmoil.
Free voices were once reduced to embers,
But fresh droplets enable shoots to sprout,
New words grow into abstract thinking,
Glowing and spreading pictures and visions,
Colour and ambience mix and words change.
Changing words and minds alter,
Words which teach us goodness,
Words which tell us the Truth,
Words we play with,
Until the sun sets.

An uphill road

I’ll take an uphill road, I’ll take the path towards the stars that light the way to freedom.

If need be, I'll leave my brother, my sister, my mother, my father. I'll leave everyone and everything.

I'll leave anger, hatred, my enemies, my fears and head to the valleys beyond and the mountains. I'll leave bitterness and bitter people, I'll leave the darkness and the cruel world, and head to a land of humility and kindness.

Searching for happiness I'll have as company the glowing sun and moist dew on rock and leaf. I'll await the bird call and the aroma of fresh air.

Even if it was a bitter Winter now, the Summer will come bringing happiness to all cities and every village.

I’ll take an uphill road, I’ll take the path towards the stars that light the way to freedom.

I'll climb to the stars, I'll enter a kingdom, I know it will not be an illusion, I know it will be mysterious, yet real. Here in time I will find peace and strength.

Like the prodigal, I'll return, to my brother, my sister, my mother, my father. With happiness in my mind and freedom in my heart.

Sea of Hope

I see it and say
how wonderful life is,
a sea of courage,
of history and faith.
Coming in and going out, it speaks to me a language of calm.

The waves die.
I see a time where my child will live.
An ancient time of tradition and beauty.

The sea, for a moment is cold, then with vigour, warmth engulfs me. In the time it takes to smooth a rough stone, ideas of timelessness arise.

Grains of sand on a beach are innumerable in number and like people each one unique. Dreams are like this, strangely unfathomable, and as the sound of waves overcome me, I sleep.

The courageous have gone in and come out, cowards do not enter. Its the spirit of a colossal warrior that helps navigate this turning of the tide. The adventurer, the questioner and the seeker within makes a leader.

Soldiers flee to the mountains from the valleys to prepare for war. They counter with zeal like men ready to die for the cause.

The waves die.
I see a time where my child will live.
An ancient time of tradition and beauty.

They have love in their hearts and do not want to see their great people altered forever. They stand strong and fight, first with their hearts and minds, then with weapons of battle. Spreading the truth as they fight, moments of victory give hope. A deep passionate hope that their land, as it once was, will return once again.

The Morning Dove 🕊

When one appears it is a prize,
A paradise in the midst of destruction,
I watch it and behold a peaceful protector in a quiet place where colours evolve into jewels and
weapons into olive branches.
Sharp edges become soft, pleasant to the touch and mezmeric to the eye,
with a simple glance it appears beautiful, but on further looking mere beauty turns into a wordless compliment, it becomes unfathomable! ...

Unfathomable is descending Light from its body on a mountain top, untouchable and serene...

But, the change of wind blows and a thunder storm explodes, a volcano erupting and I am in turmoil as the Dove disappears.

Out of this darkness comes inspirational light, fire and fight, my joy and delight in poetry.

The hope that poetry unravels reflects in me like a mirror, I become a child again. Before torment and abuse, before relentless fear, a time of innocence.
When fear has gone, my love rises above the rim of the unending depth, and continues to ascend.

Determination in my heart and mind comes from seeking and finding, from seeing the preciousness within me, expressing the once inexpressible. Once withdrawn and suppressed I become blessed and excude my absolute best.

From out of the womb, I  strive with open arms to The Omega, that Divine spark, without second thought, without indecision, without changing mind. Moulded from The Alpha, it is by peace of thought do I dwell in peace, fore my thoughts make me who I am.

The Dove is a treasure, it is what I need and that which I seek. It is the most humble and quiet of creatures. On seeing such a bird, it's impact on my eye and spirit is great, yet fleeting, as if disturbed it flies to a more quiet place.

A quote of Comfort

“There is strange comfort in knowing that no matter what happens today, the Sun will rise again tomorrow.” “The struggles we endure today will be the 'good old days' we laugh about tomorrow.” “Life's trials will test you, and shape you, but don't let them change who you are.”

World War 3

The most sinister war,
Sly and underhand,
No bombs or bullets,
Or missiles or mines,
They send a virus,
To the world and lies,
to callously kill,
Vast numbers of lives,
A silent killer,
Slaughters children, husbands and wives.
The old and the young,
The weak and the sick,
To cause sudden fear and panic,
Like gas only worse,
Passed from person to person,
Creating suspicion and hate,
Dictating to everyone,
This authoritarian and totalitarian state.
Its naive to think its just an organic virus,
Caused by bloody bats,
We're isolated, lonely,
without the human touch,
Without communion,
Without congregation,
Treated like rats.
Confused and controlled,
The worst combination,
Ordered and disturbed,
Spreading from nation to nation,
Stockpiling one minute rashening the next,
Our freedom is taken,
And the freedom to text.
The numbers of dead are inaccurate,
Hidden within the epicentre,
Poets have reported,
1919 and one hundred years later,
Its too obvious now,
The evidence is here,
Its not simple,
But it is clear.

(note to self - corona means crown, this virus is not my king) 

GREEK CYPRIOT AND PROUD - note to myself

Greeks are not only ancient history!
Yes, We are the writers of the Alpha & Omega!
We are the 300!
We are Leonidas!
We are Pericles!
We are the Pythagoras theorem!
We are Archemides lever!
The founders of modern medicine!
We are Plato, Aristotle! Socrates!
We are the Olympic fire!
We are the Marathon!
The birth place of democracy and civilisation!
We are Alexander The Great and Diogenes!
Writer of the Iliad and the Odyssey!
We are the oldest skull in history!

But, often dismissed..
In modern times too...
We are
Theo Zagorakis
Angelos Charisteas
Jim Arvanitis
Stan "The Man" Longinidis
"Iron" mike Zambidis
Piros Dimas
Kyriakos "Grizzly"
Andreas Vazaios
Pete Sampras
Stefanos Tsitsipas
Maria Themeli
Tzannis Alivizatos
Stelios Hadjiannou
Theo Paphitis
Katsouris Brothers
Gregoris Afxentiou
Evagoras Pallikarides
Georgios Grivas
Tourko Fagos
Anthony Anaxogarou
Elder Paisios
Elder Porphyrios

A social experiment

We're not rats, we're not Guinea pigs!
Our Life is not a game!
Killing us all, then giving us blame!
Reducing the population, as you see fit!
Controlling our lives in every way, every bit!

Im no rhesus monkey!
Im not a mouse!
Im a person, I live in my house!
Im no tiny ant, not a sheep, not an amoeba or a cell!
Im not a clone, a number, you can go to hell!

We're people, with feelings, just like you!
Why the evil, why immorality, why the totalitarian authority?!
Look what you're doing, its unjust, its sickening!
I feel my heart, my blood, my pulse quickening!
You can't control us!
We're not bacteria!
We're not slaves!

This hamster ball you've put us in, this cage, this kennel, this hutch!
Will be smashed up, obliterated, broken to tiny pieces!

My mind is free,
I have strength of thought,
My power is ingrained,
My assets not bought.

We'll uncover the facts,
Let them be known,
Those men in their ivory towers,
Will be brought to their knees,
And new seeds will be sown.

A new life, not a new world order,
The Gospel Truth shall deliver,
Evil shall freeze and wither,
When from upon a cloud,
Comes the living Shroud.

Thunder will crack,
Lightning strike,
Every knee shall bow,
The time is at hand,
The time to act is now.

The seeds of life

The seeds of life begin when you are crippled,
When you are low and ripped apart,
When you are weak,
When you are exhausted.

Lying flat, I opened my arms,
I gave up,
I gave in,
I couldn't take it anymore.

Alive, but dead.

In years to come a voice spoke to me,
With such grace,
I could not but listen,
"Your torture,
Your torment,
Is not your own,
I feel it too,

Now, I am your strength"

I arose,
From a pulverising punch,
Stronger than any man can deliver,
Not from a fist,
But from the entirety of life itself,
I arose with humility,
I arose with love,
I arose.

Life, with its evil means and evil ways,
has with it rigorous trials,
It kills and maims and murders,
It drives you insane.

We meet evil,
Face to face.

He tries to break you,
He tries to crush you,
But, cowardice will never overcome me,
Deception, lies, hatred?
Will never defeat me!

Listen, you cancerous darkness,
I'm too strong for you to win,
Too determined.

My head now,
Held still,
I think,
"Humility destroys death,
Death of the soul,"

I walk,
On the path,
To the light.


The Sun arises,

The beauty of Light speaks to me,
letting me know the Good News to come.

How on Earth can there be just death, sadness and terror? A bleak life?

How can beauty not be seen in the created?

How does untainted love occur without the ultimate example?

A child alone sees things with innocent eyes, and sees the Truth.
Even the cells that bind our very bodies together with the strength of the Trinity are shaped like The Cross.
The Truth is staring us in the face and we refuse to see it?

"Glory to God for the genius of the human mind!"
"Glory to God for the beauty and the manifestation of the unfathomable force of the laws of the universe!"
"Glory to God for you have broken the power of the spirit of darkness, and have doomed to annihilation every kind of evil!"

Glory to You for giving us humility in our hearts,
fore the wonderment that surrounds us is a reflection of You.
The abundance of colours, tastes, textures and fragrances, the millions of creatures,
the blades of grass, flowers and trees, and fruits they bare.
The seas and mountains and valleys, and the goodness that envelopes the human heart.
It's all because of you dear Lord, and I thank you, I cherish today, tomorrow and always, as you are with me in every good thing and in every good way.

Be Ignited

Be Ignited, be blossomed, be brave, and glow with might, have fight in your stomach and be a torch of light.
Fight with the force of your will, battle life with peace and be still.

Let inspiration guide you and set others free, never be the fly, be the bee!
The bee is guided by the Sun and searches out flowers, its food is honey, it has nourishing powers. The fly is drawn to filth, in darkness it thrives, unlike the bee in its beautiful hives.

It's hard to maintain this way of thinking, the spirit is strong, but the eyes keep blinking, but with heart, and power from up above, if you give me strength, I give you love.

In life we choose to go this way or that, or straight ahead, we must be strong, not easily led. We walk a path, we are children, we need care, we must try to steer clear of the devils lare.
The path is precious, stick to it, this sweet and narrow road, there is no stain or blame on it, on broad shoulders He carries our load.

Never feel jaded, your faith is strong, no matter what they say, do right not wrong. Do not care in the world, put your hopes in the Creator, reach out for the mighty God and not the devastator.

Let He who is perfection and Truth be your guide, fore the ultimate sustainer and creator of the universe, has no wicked pride. He has the humility of a new born and the will of all good warriors in one, the courage of the mightiest lion, let it be so, let His Will be done. Let His presence be with you, let Thy Kingdom Come, in Heaven you will find rest, and you will be as one!

The Human Heart ♥

It's strange yet wonderful how God softens the human heart. One minute we're at loggerheads with one another the next we're never apart. With the timing of perfection, God delivers a scare, of health damaging and life threatening rejection. The un-understandable ways and mysterious nature of Our Creator, brings the miraculous in the form of a blind man being able to see the lover and the hater, but also the greatest miracle of all, the miracle of love. The contradictory nature of The Light, who by being crucified brings us our might, He also, by crushing our very health, and of course in many other ways through stealth, renders us with the humility of a child cradled in its mother's arms, unable to do any harm and helplessly selfless. The miracle of a soft and loving heart, of the loving kindness of humanity, breaks every single boundary and has no limits and is so like iron rought in a foundry. We have to remember why bad things happen, it's for humilities sake, for the reducing of the ego, the lessening of arrogance, by saying hey wake up, wake! . People die so that we are saddened and made humble. Never should we even rise up against our enemies for that matter, with pride, as this is a microcosmic war, but we do it because it's our own human flaw, instead we ought to love one another and keep our hearts softened like a new born child. People complicate life and go against that which is warm and mild. Life at its core is very very simple.

The Garden 🌿

Im sat here now,
feeling weak,
Lethargic and tired,
Slouched in the chair, I sigh.

Momentum has gone,
its getting dark,
I feel sad.

I look at the plants in front of me, they neither worry nor suffer.

What would my father say to me now?
"All you have to do is stay indoors for a while, its spring, the weather is good and you have the garden."

Thats it, hearing that, I feel better, life isn't difficult, we complicate things, its simple really.

I sit upright, sniff and sigh again. Thank God for small mercy's.

The garden is beautiful, it is my refuge, my sanctuary, my paradise.

Im welling up, a lump in my throat. I can hear my father and see his face.

Its all becoming easy again. The weight is lightening. When I'm in the garden, I'm close to my father.

The gift of life

Oh bless the joy of spring, warmth and illumination,
The birds will sing,
Shoots will sprout,
Leaves will unfold,
Flowers emerge and I will hold, seeds of enlightenment in my hand,
To plant the gift of life.

The seasons will not halt,
Life still goes on,
The withered and cold have all but gone.
Rejuvenation of the soul,
Restoration of the status quo,
Replenishment of fruit and honey and nectar,
A new vison and wonderment of sight,
Behold new birth and mesmerisic light.

All that has breathe shall give praise,
Life on earth will once again raise,
The thing we bear, that struggle, that weight,
Shall be lifted and broken,
Turning to love and not hate.

Annihilation passes to creation,
The gate is open,
Light glows,
Sight is restored,
The miracle shows.
This gift, this presence, this love so pure,
Gives to us the greatest cure,
The cure is within us,
When we sleep at night,
A new heart is born with newborn sight,
We awaken to a heavenly light,
And sing to the joy of resurrection and might,
The truth is a sign,
The truth is revealed,
The truth is delivered,
The Good News is sealed!

Have Courage

If there is a new world order,
I will break the damn law,
the law isn't written in stone,
Or in an office or court,
its written in my heart, in my bones, in my blood, in my gut!

Nothing and nobody will define my life,
I follow the very definition of life!
Nothing and nobody will tell me what I ought to do,
my spirit is freedom itself!
Nothing and nobody will hold me captive, the untouchable cannot be caught!
Nothing and nobody will imprison me, my freedom breaks through rock and steel!

Nothing and nobody will conquer me and destroy me,
I have courage, I have faith, I have God, you can't kill me, you can't even render me weak,
I will utilise, hegemonize, override, overcome, overwhelm your ways, I will defy this system, defy the odds, defy your beliefs with my own belief!

You won't interigate me, I'll interigate you, you won't scrutinise me, I'll scrutinise you, I will out think you, out maneuver you, out fight you!

Your games, I won't play, your propaganda, I will not hear, your threats, I will not fear!

It is written in my heart,
I listen only to my faith,
From the beginning to the end,
Victory is The King!


You're a prisoner at home,
A prisoner at war,
The invisible enemy,
Is outside the door.

Tension and stress every single day,
Frustration and agitation is still on the way.
Loneliness kills you like a blade,
Isolation like quick sand, makes you fade.

You can't breath,
You're drowning,
Your mind is enclosed,
You're frowning,
Your bubble is made of stone, but you're not alone!

Every boat is the same,
But, your not a number,
Your not a clone,
Your free to express!
Even in this crazy, screwed up mess.

Its not easy to stay calm,
Not easy to remain sane,
Our freedom has gone,
But, it will return again!

Don't bury yourself in a grave,
Don't give up and die,
but rather
Dig a deep trench,
Strong, wide and long,
A trench for the weary,
A trench for the strong!

This trench,
Is a bed of creativity
A nest of activity
A hive of productivity
An opportunity to display ability and to show your tenacity.

You're a soldier of adrenaline,
A warlord of energy,
Electrifying power surges
From your body,
To annihilate the enemy,
With the power of tenacity!

The tenacious Improvise,
The tenacious adapt,
The tenacious are flexible,
The tenacious overcome,
The tenacious don't give up,
but have already won!

The day I shake my friends hand

Today we are in tortuous times, 
Poisoned with sickness and uncertainty, 
The unknown is everywhere, 
We ask but get nothing, 
Seeking for a measure of normality, 
We look, 
but can't find the truth. 

This disease, 
this rotten thing,
has ravaged us, 
ravaged our very soul, 
Stripped our lives to basics and necessity,
Cut through the bladder and bowel of life. 

within me, 
I see clearly the day I shake my friends hand, 
on the football field, 
In the gardens and in the towns, 
In the streets and in my own home.
Anywhere and everywhere, we embrace! 

I see faces with broad smiles, relief and an insurmountable strength that has overcome this horrific blast of death. 

I see vitality and vibrance return, the shock of it all rendered obsolete. 

Its past now brothers and sisters, I say, dead and buried, and freedom reigns once more! 

Our souls are lifted, and our hearts roar! 

We're alive! Oh Glory! 

and through the God given power of Hope, we are free! 

control of the masses

My heart, 
soft and warm, 
will always be my own,

My smile, will always effect another with sincere and loving kindness, 

My thoughts, like birdsong will always salute the truth with vibrants and clarity, 

My humility will never be touched, nor cracked by enemies. 

You can't break my faith, 
You can't destroy my beliefs, 
You can't kill me, 
My soul is intact, 
My spirit rises like a roaring lion, 
My mind is free. 

Our freewill remains for eternity! 

Never will power overwhelm the people!

It is not a matter of anarchy, rebellion or uprising, 
Its a matter of giving glory, 
not to a man in power, 
but to that which gives us the greatest freedom, 
that of inner strength! 

During Lockdown

Once upon a time in the middle of the lockdown, I had a dream, I saw the meaning of life 2 metres infront of me. The picture didnt lean in or linger, or stop and stare, it was just there.

I understood it immediately, its shadow, its form, it was neither crestfallen nor forlorn, nor torn. It was applied in victory, not blame or scorn, it was the peak of existence, the essence of man, in times of trouble it does what it can, that which you cannot do. 

The mighty feel it, so do the weak. The rich, the poor, the low and the peak.

It is freedom, 
It is life, 
It is that you can see. 
It is Inside you, 
It is rest, 
It is the love inside me. 

All around is weakness,
All around are the dead, 
All around are the scattered and worn, the torn. 
All around is disease and isolation, the devastation of desolation. 

But this, this, is far greater than that. 

It is the strength beyond strength, 
the life beyond life,
It is the untouchable human spirit, 
the God given power of will. 

Fore inside we burn, 
A ruptuous inferno, 
Molten steel. 
A Granite strong carving, 
A living stone, 
A straight chiselled path to the great unknown, 
A woven tapestry of magma, 
A range of insurmountable mountain, 
The beautiful life of the life giving fountain. 
It is the gushing forth of glowing white light which gives 
the overwhelming gift of sight, to the blind and to the sighted.

fight the good fight, 
Wage the right war, 
Inside your heart and inside your mind, 

As, It is love. 

That is which gives hope. 

A Spiritual Force

A Spiritual Force  Space, time and matter were made by God, as it is written in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  He exi...

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